Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • Elor's been cleaning out his tent and arranging his few posessions for a long trip. Apparantly, he has decided to leave the camp and Narfell alltogether, and is now making preparations for the long journey south, to Yuirwood, and saying his goodbyes.

  • *The Legion General and Sgt. of the Watch of Jiyyd, Lyte, is rumored to have briefly appeared at the fires at the Camp, smiling. Her face was reputedly blackened with soot, and her ashened covered plate had wafts of smoke trailing up into the night air.

    Reportedly, she offered many thanks to the rom for their kindly efforts and continuing assistance to the town of Jiyyd with their many orc problems.

    She then, it is rumored, borrowed a canteen, as hers was seemingly reduced to a charcoal briquitte, took a long drink, and strode back off, the way she came, puffs of smoke emanating from her boots, grumbling about something that sounded like "herzous and hobgoblins".

  • A ragtag team of Black Armband militia are seen sneaking up on William at the fire and carting him off to the training grounds. It seems they feel he's one of them now, and pummel him accordingly.

  • The happier William seems the further from him Sara is.

  • _Some might notice that William is seen about Camp even more than usual - and that he seems happier than he's been in years.

    He also seems to have developed a recent habit of grinning like an idiot when he thinks no one is watching._

  • Alexi can be seen entering Cera's tree looking for Jeni, with a hopeful smile, a much larger bag of apples than normal as well as more presentable clothes upon him as not a single tear or hole from any travel tumbles can be see on them, though perhaps the most noticeable thing as for once Alexi is not bleeding. Not even a scratch or bruise. It is not quite sure if the results of these changes are from a fluke of nature, or perhaps just the result of Alexi's wife's gentle guidance.

  • The swordswoman known as Sara hears the rumours and smiles gently to herself, then moves to sit in her usual rigidly austere posture, watching the two units of Gali guard training.

  • Rumors run rampant about the Camp… wild speculation is whispered over the fires. The normally reserved, if hotheaded, Raver was seen kissing a man in Jeni's tree. In front of many witnesses, no less.
    Surely a declaration of some sort on her part.

  • _Rumour has it the human Sylvain kissed an elf, and she tore off his pants in desire. And that after just one kiss on the cheek.

    Rumour also has the elf got offended and just ran him through.

    And another rumour states she got offended and wanted to… deal with him.
    She found him to be a eunuch, however, and decided to leave it at that..._

  • Alexi can been as always delivering a nice sack of apples to Cere's tree on a regular fashion though lately it can be noted that he is more antsy than normal and restless. When asked he gives odd answers ranging from something about ear tuffs to some something up in pelt to something in Norwick.

  • William is seen on occasion, training with the black armbands.

  • Tired Aelthas, between new baby and recruits has been seen taking naps whenever he gets the chance. However, this last one may break him of the habit. When he woke from his nap, he discovered his shiny pink armor and helm being used as a scarecrow atop the Guards Hill just outside the gypsy camp. The black armbands were heard remarking that it was no wonder it didn't scare enemies. Such a pretty color!

  • Both Pink and Black armbanded Romani are seen cooking and preparing their own food from -closely- watched cookpots once Raver's men finally put together that the much larger number of trips to the bushes… maybe wasn't natural.

  • rumor round the fire are that the elf Rilia was seen with the human Attentus yet again by the camps main fires. The two were once again deep in chat. Some of the more traditional Rom and Gali cluck their tongues disapprovingly. Apparently the elven woman and the man were seen to be unseemly close. Some say they heard a rumor from Shady and/or Nefzen of some strange lights and much less strange noises coming from the camps spare room for travelers. Those that hear about the lights make a warding sign against the evil eye. The others that hear about the noises cluck disapprovingly at being so wonton by the fires.

  • Raver is spotted stomping across the compound in an angry rage. The slamming of her apartment door carries through out the Camp.

  • The often gloomy and reclusive elder, Star, is seen sporting a new ring on the ring finger of her left hand and looking mostly bewildered. Whether this has anything to do with a recent tea-party in her tent, where many wolves were joined by a silent and even more reclusive druid of the Blackwood family, who has often been seen in her company, remains to be seen. What is clear however is that the young woman is hunting for some tea. Odd after such a tea-party, unless she ran out serving so many of course….

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fad is seen making an effort to join up with the pair, when able.

  • A young druid girl with a notable Peltarch accent has been carefully surveying the pass and noting the density of Spiders within. Often she's accompanied by the exuberant elf, Lia, or other passers by for security.

    She seems interetsed to know whether some other predator could be introduced to keep the spiders down, without risking eating everyone in the camp. Very keen on balance, she is.

  • The many-titled archdruid has begun to regularly visit to discuss the plans for a temple to the Weaver and Azuth and discuss reconsecrating the circle in the inner camp, as suggested to her by Jonathan.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fadia, and on rare occaisions others in her family, are often seen going into the spider woods and staying for hours at a time.

    Whatever they're after, it seems that the druid circle is once again active at the camp.