Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • Rumors spread of a "big ol' bear" chasing a funny looking cat through the pass, and ending up in the spider woods. Rumors vary as to which side of spider woods it ended up times… but sometimes... some people say they can hear the rumble of a growling bear.

  • A red headed elven woman in shimering green scales notes the absence and after a black panther is seen stalking the woods or occasionally a glossy winged bird.

  • Some that know the hooded figure often around the fires as Vagabond would notice he's been absent for some time.. some of the gali reporting he left seeming quite depressed, after speaking to a rather screaming woman.

  • Mist begins rising in the gnoll lands coming from the Cold Caves and blanketing the ground. Faint at first it begins to gather in thickness until it is almost impossible to see far beyond the bridge leading from the camp into the ruins. The guards that have been on duty are watching closely to see if anything appears in the mist, but so far nothing has. A few are beginning to mention that there is a pressure in the air, almost as if a storm is coming.

  • One night a rather short lived but eventful storm seems to roll in from the south. Strong lightning, and some say there was even hale. An oddity for those with better eyes, being a faint black shadow sweeping in and out of the clouds, only visible during the lightning cracks.

  • _A small mining expedition into the Cold Caves comes back with stories of feeling like they were being watched, a few of them even swore the caves themselves were cold. Colder then they had ever been before. Something beyond just the misting of breath in front of them, instead so cold as to freeze the air in a man's lungs.

    Some are worried about these stories.

    Others rightly wonder… if it was cold enough for the breath to freeze in a man's lungs... how did the miners live to tell the tell?_

  • Scouts filter back from the gnoll lands with slightly disgruntled looks. All of them make comment of something moving out there, in the caves and above, but nothing has been seen. Jonathan doubles the guard along the gate and him and Jonni are seen walking along the ridge looking off into the woods, and talking low among themselves.

  • Darkness fell upon the Gypsy camp this day shrouding and surrounding two men, whispers and voices could be heard through the darkness, as well as the more human voices of the two men, it seemed as if a confrontation had happened when without warning the darkness lifted and the two men continued on their journey

  • A barky man came running in with a limp boy in his arms, heading into Jeni's tree. After him came a bark covered woman. Some time later, they emerged with a weary look and a sigh of relief. It seems the boy was rescued from the spiders by the gali, Wolf and Raisa. The boy's condition is not known, but it seems the two gali have a positive attitude that the boy will survive.

  • _An Anthrazit-dark-grey haired Woman has stepped into the Camp, her green, slightly almond shaped eyes scanning the Camp carefully. At her side, almost grown to her hips, a white wolf stands, ears perked - clearly, a Winter Wolf.
    The woman gives a flowing gesture with her hand toward the large canine, and with a dip of its head, it darts between the trees, melting into the wintery scenery.

    She wanders from tree to tree, touches twigs here and there, stares at other places - and at the Heart Fires suddenly is seen in a tight hug with Tala, tears of joy flowing down both women's eyes.

    Those who have known the once black haired half elven woman recognize her soon, for it can only be Cailah, the ranger who raised a Winter Wolf Puppy, named her Katinar and once was wed to the Paladin Matrim Patteel inmidst the Gypsy Camp._

  • Celebring tells tale around the camp fires, a possible new threat in the icy caves beneath the ruins. He describes tall and fierce bear men, much stronger than any Gnoll he's encountered, despite fighting very much the same…

    "There were not many, perhaps three or four among the rest of the Gnolls, yet they towered over the rest… Must have been at least seven feet tall, with shaggy fur. What shocked me most about one of them, was it's ability to endure cut after cut. Anyone travelling there must be even more cautious than normal."

  • In the past few nights, Elor has been sitting next to a particular tent in the camp, playing what looks to be an elven longhorn. After a half an hour or so of slow melodies, he leaves the tent be again, returning the next night.
    When asked about it, he simply smiles and says "I'm courting." before going back to woodchopping.
    Elor seems to be doing a -lot- of woodchopping lately.

  • _Zoma had been threading along the borders of the gnolls land carefully, focusing more on looking out for any unusual activities rather than engaging the gnolls.

    It is heard that Zoma had been attempting making lookouts for a particular individual donned in dark armor with possible Illmather markings on it.wielding a greatsword.

    Zoma is apparently concerned that a single man like him was able to massacre and strike fear into the hearts of the gnolls all by himsel according to Eve's story and wishes to assure himself that he is a friend of the camp though he must first meet him in person to find the answer._

  • A cloaked, hooded and quiet Raver Styx is seen more and more around the Camp. She sits near the fires during the day, and withdraws to her rooms in the Nook by night. She speaks little, and only when spoken to, her face always held in shadow.

  • After an expedition into the Cold Caves by a large party, the elf called Eve is seen taking a sack of items to Jonni, presumably those recovered within the cave. After a brief and short conversation, Jonni looks the items over and gives a nod before handing the bag back to her. Those wandering close might hear something close to "Distribute 'em as needed for now. I'll ask for 'em back if we 're needin' 'em."

  • The whine cave owner speaks of shady business between a pale elf in a red robe and a man with no shoes. It seems they conspired or "thought" about hurting some select people.

  • When passing by and noticing, Elor takes a good long moment to watch Penny… before giving her a quick surprise hug, whispering something to her and walking off, smiling.

  • In recent days, Penny has locked herself up in the inner camp for most of her waking hours, wearing her traditional Romani gown and cloak, toiling away at the forge with the camp's blacksmith. Rumor has it that her strength seems to be much less than before, but nevertheless, she seems to be working with an obsessed fervor.

  • Rummors spread of the one many might consider the town loon has not been seen or heard from in quite some time, not since the last festival in Norwick with magic duals came to a halt due to sever wild magic. With his absense some of the people around the fire seemed more at ease.

  • There are rumours around the campfire about the upcoming festival in the Silver Valley. They say that Juster, Gonnar and Ginger have planned a scavenger hunt and archery contest for the event. Everyone is welcome to participate.

    ((Event is scheduled for next Satuday. Start time TBA.))