Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • One misty morning Jen leaves word with the gate guards that she is going south to see if she can rescue a trap or two from the goblins. When she does not return for some hours a brief investigation is made in the pass near the camp and in the narrow gully the stream runs through are signs of a scuffle in the snow. The remains of one of her spike traps is visible, and from the black and green scraps of cloth mixed with the blood on it, it seems her worst fears have come true.

  • Genzir can be seen paying visits to the camp from time to time, seeking out Jerr, with a sheaf of papers in hand, and asking him questions about the meaning of runes.

  • Ragnhild voices some concern to the Camp Elders about two strangers, a man and a woman dressed in red, who recently entered the cold caves.

    "Uhm, I sure they must have been some sort adventurers, perhaps they camp peepel though I never seen either of them before huh. Seemed to me like they looking for something, but they no stay to chat. I vorri they get in troubel down in caves. They no dress verri varm, and uhm, to be honest they no looked like strong warrjors realli. Perhaps best someone check they nott dead down there?"

  • Genzir can be seen running around in a dignified frenzy, casting spells (of magic detection, to those who would recognize the) all over town and on the outskirts, and asking if anybody knows what caused the recent degradation of the Weave.

  • Mecizq has been seen around the North east corner of camp where some construction is going on chatting to the foremen and generally helping out where he can under their instruction on the work, as well as tending to injuries sustained on the job.

  • There's once again talk about some fates, this time there being more people. One elf seems particularly disappointed, keeping repeating something about a lot of trouble for only some stick.

  • Rumor has, Eve is restarting the Gypsy scouts, anyone interested should contact her.

  • _A young man is seen entering the Camp, joining the lass Eve and Attentus for quiet conversation.

    Several hours later, he is seen leaving the Camp again, trying to control himself with snickers, as the word "Dolvak'd" is heard more than once. Once he makes the turn into the Pass, a hearty burst of laughter is heard._

  • When the rumour of the event makes its way back to Oreth by the fire, he scoffs

    Uh huh. That was Bane. And if you peel my skin off, I'm actually made of solid farking gold.

    I was there, he made his offers of power and wealth, and his threats, to me too.

    No god is that bored, that stupid, that impotent, weak, or above all, that ridiculous.

    Some Devil is getting above himself, maybe, or some Demon seeking to make Bane look ridiculous. Maybe next, he can get an incubus to dress up like Ilmater and they can set about to rutting in Peltarch Square.

    Too Obvious?

  • Rumours spread that the Selunite Priestess Nyda has outdone herself in her most recent exploit. Upon finding a magical circle surrounded by staked corpses in the Pass, next to the Monument to the Unknown Soldier, she and a member of the black sails were confronted by a being that radiated pure malevolance and power. Laughing at their insignificance the being summoned a powerful creature to go and destroy Norwick. Giving chase they were joined by others and destroyed the beast just outside Norwick. The being, whose power felt to be that of a deity, summoned another that was slain just inside Jiyyd. After much taunting and argument with the deity, who was revealed to be Bane, or at least claimed to be and had the power to back it up, summoned a third more powerful version that slew a pair of helmites in Jiyyd before being slain.

    Bane caused great wounds on several of the people around the Circle during this, though seemed unable to hurt Nyda when he tried. They spoke in both common and infernal, though none of Nyda's answers seemed to please the self-proclaimed Dark Lord until she threatened to put him over her knee and spank some sense into him. This amused him and he took her away for a private chat. Whatever the result of this he then left for good the magic circle fading. Throughout she denied his right to take anyones free will, and refused repeatedly to bow or kneel to him.

    Though he did appear to her again outside Jiyyd and confirm that his thrice refused offer to her stood if she ever tired of mortal men.

  • It seems a strange thing occured. Two people, a blonde elf and a hooded and veiled woman disappeared into thin air right from the public fires. They later reappeared in the inside of the camp and were chatting about something. For a short while an object was also displayed, what it was and what they were talking about might often just be referred to as a prophecy.

  • Lilin seems somewhat jealous

  • Jonni is seen a lot more often near the tree… practicing cutting up combat dummy after combat dummy, and rarely if ever sleeping.

  • A man is seen entering the Tree where Jeni has been sleeping late at night…. slipping out quietly just at dawn.

    Funny, her steps seem a little lighter these days, and her smile a little brighter.

  • tala looks especially worn of late. It seems she is burning the candle at both ends. It is often hard to tell if the smudges under her eyes are darker than the smudges on the fingers on her right hand. She is often seen rubbing the hand while awake and is always drinking strong dark tea. She spends some time with the children, but often asks Star or Sarah to watch them while she naps. Most nights after putting the children to bed she can be seen leaving the camp. If asked to where she mutters something about research

  • It is said that there was a fair and honest duel between a Banite wizard and a paladin at the crossroads. The paladin died, while the Banite remained nearly unscathed.

  • Rumors spread that Penny was seen walking south toward Sam's Hill from Peltarch with a paintbrush in one hand, a bucket of paint in the other, and a smile on her face, all while singing a happy tune about days gone by.

  • _Recently, Lycka being more aware of her surroundings as she gets older, she can be seen humming the familiar tunes that Ocean had sung in the concert days ago.

    Considering that Lycka has a good pair of strong lungs which is honed through screaming and crying, her joyful baby hums could be heard throughout the Gypsie camp forest._

  • As the dawn light creeps through the trees many sleepy Rom, Gali and visitors slowly make their way to their beds following a very successful Concert and Festival. Ocean is looking doubly smug, though triply tired, as her songs all went down well, and she also won the story competition. She thanks all who came, congratulates the helmed man some call Alexi and some Aris on winning the Archery contest and totters off to collapse into bed.

  • A small woman wearing black and red was ween walking in and out of Cera's Tree. She was followed both times by Alexi and Ramona. They were calling out her name… Elridith, but there was no response and the name only seemed to anger her.