Mard Detson

  • Race: Human
    Class: Wizard
    Sex: Male
    Age: unknown
    Place of Birth: unknown

    Mard is quite tall even for a human. He has 1.93 cm what makes you quite big for a wizard. His skin is almost pure Black same as his hair which is wery unkomon for a human.His hairs wery short.. cut almost to skin. Perhaps it was unsukcesfull wizads experiment or his mother raped by a drow why he is black. The other option is rather imposible since he dont have any elven featured signs in his body build.

    He is not muscular person.. Not even charismatic.. since he grow up on the street leaved there by his perents hic conections with other peoples…
    Altough he isnt strong he is wery inteligent. Since he was child he know magic tricks and many languages. He can speak and write in Common, Dvarven, Elven, Hinish, and Orcish, he can also speak Draconic.. but not to good unfortunately.

    Usualy he can be seen wearing White and Black Robe. on bouth of his sides two hang two magic bags. to his belt atached several bottles with magic potions. Down to his leg atached quiver with bolts. In his hand usualy can be seen a magic staff which is being when unused atached to his th belt on his back. Where also mostly hangs huge heavy crosbow.

    On his feets loght four boots. on hius hands fine crafted lether black glowes.

    In combat he mostly wears black and purple war healm which helps him to concentrate.

    Most of the time his bright grey eyes watch carefuly sorunding area and peoples. He looks like he woul dexamin these who are near.. Seing him wathching you . you have that strange odd feeling..

    he is brave and wise mand which know when he should take a step back who doesnt show fear in face of danger.

    Tough and rugh childhoud creaed his personality well not leaving him choice to become someone else than he is....