Rebuilding (body clearing)
tala over the days of work and watching her friends return is occasionally seen crying although she hides it well. Only the quick or those who know her well catch her at it. She makes it her business to see to the comfort of the workers especially those she does not know well providing food and drink and bandages as is the Rom way with visitors.
Cike can be seen helping out from time to time but when the sun sets he draws his silver sword emblamed with an oak tree consumed in fire and patrols for Undead.
Ocean has been spending time at the camp both using colourful language to describe the smell and spending long hours playing romany songs and dance music on her harp, bringing back memories of what was and keeping the spirits of the cleanup crew from being worn down by the scenes of devastation.
Penny returns to the camp every few days to help with reloading the pyres with gnoll bodies. She seems genuinely glad to help with such a morose task, noting that though it doesn't look or smell very pleasant now, the camp will be alive again and cheerful in no time.
_Oreth appears at the mouth of the gypsy pass, intentionally staying clear of any large groups of people, and just…watches, as everything is cleaned up. He nods, rubs at his left shoulder, and walks back out into the nars.
A few days later, he shows up in the camp again, and is seen retaking the oath. As soon as that is done, he walks up and worldlessly begins helping to move bodies out_
Lyte and Pete can be seen often helping out in the Camp, carrying wood in from the forest. Despite the stench from the burning fur, Lyte offers encouraging words of a bright future for these people who have suffered much at the hands of the gnolls.
*Milla has been seen helping Othar'a, Vine and Bryn tossing dead bodies in the fires. Along with her was a little fellow called Zesty Bub.
Between this and killing zombies, they all worked till they were exhausted.*
Milla Dannode'lin: Description; Story; Journal
Nathal Sterr
Amith is seen walking up to the fires and setting broken shards of a great axe into a large crucible she shoved deep into the flames. She drags gnoll after gnoll to the blaze tossing them in like a smith would do to the forge with coal. After the shards melt down she pours the molten metal into ingot molds, and pulls them from the flames to cool. She is heard mentioning her husband is the bravest that she knows, and that from the ashes of the fallen foe, a new axe will be forged.
Promentantly clad in robes of the Scarlett sisterhood , a petite elf can be found at the fires stoking them and hauling dismembered parts to the inferno.Her Husband Elord helping the drey teams haul the dead from the furthest reaches of the camp. Face reddened from the heat , sleeves rolled she ceaselessly toils as each new wagon comes to the common . Wearily she hugs her husband before he heads out with the next wagon team .
Nicahh is seen helping out around the camp quite often. She tends to keep to herself mostly, although sometimes when multiple Sisters are near she takes a leadership roll, directing them with a warm smile. She makes it clear that if there is anything the Sisterhood can do to help, be it clean up or contribute monetarialy, to let her know.
Belade spends every waking hour she can spare at the camp, going out to chop wood, rebuilding, patrolling the outskirts, helping with the dirty job of cleaning up the gnoll bodies and the mess they made of the camp, and healing those who need it. Those who know her can quickly see that she is tired, but she keeps on working, refusing herself the privilige of resting while there is still work to be done.
A big troll, obviously a polymorphed wizard, was seen helping clear the gnoll bodies after the battle, using his massive trollish strength to gather the bodies and stack them like cord-wood. After accumulating a few such piles, he then turned back into Genzir and used his magic to burn them like cordwood.
Liberal use of prestidigitation helped in the removal of dog poop.
Erugdish has been seen asking people how to read maps, then punching trees in frustration when he still dosen't get it.
Jerr was seen among the first dragging bodies to the fires and piling them high. He seemed almost sad to leave, broken great axe on his back, as though dreading what would happen when he got home.
Several spoke encouraging words to him as he finally left the camp covered in soot and still holding the axe of his family, now a miss-shapen club
Dentin visits the camp as it is being rebuild as many times as he is allowed to as a Defender, commonly along his patrols of the road. He then spends some time in the camp, travelling to what remains of the shrine and spending a while in quiet prayer.
He speaks with the various remaining Gali and Rom remaining, offering his services in rebuilding the camp.
He grants Gond's mending and protection from the weather to those working to gather rescources and rebuild the camp.
He offers advice and pointers on construction where he deems them necessary.
He uses the blessings of Gond to quickly burn pyres of gnoll bodies, the Flames of the Forge turning the corpses to ash within seconds.
Calendel can be seen wandering among the burning pyres sprinking them with holy water and providing blessings upon them. Talk of undead being seen after the battle has given him concern for Chauntea looks poorly upon such abominations of her natural world she works to maintain.
Lilin can be seen going off into the woods with small groups into the spider woods during the day and returning shortly before sunset with large amounts of Pine and Deadwood, adding them to the pyre along with the never ending sea of dead bodies, blessing each batch to purify them
Tala walks about the camp tending to the people clearing the rubbish. Healing small scrapes when she can offering her limited blessings. Mostly just offering thanks, kind words and tea or water. She notes the faces that help in the cleanup