Player: Lucidious Falan, Character: Lucidious Falan

  • Hey there. Lucidious has my vote, for two reasons. One: he can RP with the best of 'em, and Two: He hates Yertle, just like everybody else in the whole… 😃

    Seriously though, what a commitment. He's has a firm grasp of the goings on in Narfell, always maintains his persona, doesn't fold in the face of a gnomish knee cap treatment.

    Make mine Lucidious!

    casts a vote

  • Dropping my vote in here as well. I don't know how much of his roleplay DM's see but he's busy doing some good stuff in behind the scenes plotting away on a few matters, (though why isn't he in Peltarch, we need more plotters in Peltarch!), and working on plotlines without knowing which Dm he should speak to for information on them, instead getting it all the PC way.

  • Lucidious deffinatly has my vote, i met him with Arc awhile ago. His RP'ing really does seem realistic and has something about him that just wants you to get deeper into the characters story

    hes got my vote!

    characters- Holo Senemen

  • …just to be clear, I have no hate for the Yertle 🙂

    gives yert a hug and knows that some day yert will break down and have a coke with him


    agree with balrog, he does a marvelous job playing an elf and participates in the forums..

    has my vote even though he hates me

  • agree with balrog, he does a marvelous job playing an elf and participates in the forums..

    has my vote even though he hates me

  • As a character he is belivable. Playing elf can sometimes be a hard since its just not only physical differences between an elf and a human but more to it.

    As a player he is not afraid to take the extra steps to contribute to a roleplay session filled with humor.

    For me its not a question of why.. more a question of when 🙂

    :arrow: vote

  • Agree with all of the above. What more can I say? Oh yeah, give this guy/gal a token. 😄

    tosses in his vote

  • How can I not vote for him? I often have an hour of just him and Eli speaking in private. Probably Eli's best friend. He is really entertaining, and as mentioned above, feels so real.
    He is a great person to interact with IC and OOC. He deserves a token more than anyone I have ever met. But then again, I am biased.
    He cracks me up.

  • Council of Moradin

    My vote for him aswell. Excellent player both Ic and OOC

  • I Agree I have been with Lucidious every step of the way he has been great helping to move plots along and getting involved in the stories in Narfell.

  • He/She has my vote as well !! Really good in his character, especially about the investigation he's conducting (taking notes, etc…). Using action descriptions, whispering; all the tools he has in the correct circonstances.

    And he writes on the forum ! 🙂

    Milla Dannode'lin: Description; Story; Journal

    Frandor Dannode'lin: To come…

  • Token Lucidious! He deserves it for all that is mentioned above, including his desire to do everything he can to take a little information his pc overhears and run with it until it becomes an epic story.

  • Lucidious's character has a real feel to it. He goes far beyond the typical brooding mage to create a character that is neither too quite nor too outrageous in its right. Furthermore, he is the very antithesis of the powerplayer, as he CHOOSES TO STAY AT LEVEL 1.

    Token. Fo sho.