Yet again, the gates fall...

  • There was much to do as wave after wave of the goblin army made their way to certain death at the south gate. The town defense was alerted and runners sent to Jiyyd while the gong in the Norwick square rang out alert and alarm.

    There were several town militias present along with numerous concerned citizens and legionnaires from Jiyyd to repel the onslaught that seemed, for some time, to know no end. With expert marksmanship from atop the hillside overlooking the entrance combined with fearsome swordplay at the gate itself, many a greenskin met their demise that day, turning the white snow a dark red as mud mixed with blood.

    The sturdy gates held their own against the barrage of attackers and were scared and charred as fire licked at the lock wanting ever so badly to be set free within the walls they stood to protect. Alas, this was not to be as the rank and file held true and stood firm in the face of the attack.

    No sooner had the attack been repelled and victory seemed at hand did the battle drums of the bugbears start their ominous play of impending danger. Horns were blast and drums were beat as the new threat made its way to the south gate.

    The Bugbear army that arrived was greeted in kind by the same fierce defense that repelled the greenskins. Magic was used to thwart the attack and brut force was applied to all that threatened fair Norwick. Try as they did, the bugbears failed to breach the gate and it is said that they were heard cursing the townsfolk as the defenses held. Flames once again licked at the gate but the quick action of the defenders doused the flames by pulling water from the stream. Defeated and demoralized, the bugbear retreat was a sight to behold. And the gates held yet again. Finally, it was thought, there would be quiet.

    Swords sheathed and bows unstrung, the quiet of the aftermath was shattered as a sudden roar and the moaning and breaking of wood and metal sliced through the air. The gates came crashing down and there, in the breech, stood a war machine of gigantic proportions! The call to arms was put out yet again but as those willing and able were arming themselves, the giant turned and made its way quickly into the woods and there disappeared.

    None fell to the attackers that day and there were many that could have. In great part due to the valiant efforts of many, Norwick and those fine folks that live there will indeed rebuild the gates yet again and work to replace them continues this very day.

    The Lord Protectorate and the Lieutenant of the militia were seen after the attack offering their thanks to all those that heard the call and came to aid in the defense.

    ::looking over the work as it progresses to repair the south gate, Milshot turns to Rando::

    This ‘ere be wha’ Nor’ick be all ‘bout me friend. Damn glad there be change in te wind aye? Good ta see all these folks workin' fer a cause agin…

  • is glad to hear of the successfull battle and feels a bit safer in norwick

  • is glad to hear of the successfull battle and feels a bit safer in norwick

  • Looks back at Milshot

    " Damn good to be back where the fighting was always the hardest"