Tales of the war...
Genzir Malark, a modestly-dressed man in simple robes, is seen about the Mermaid, the commons, and even the docks asking people about their memories of the Peltarch civil war. He buys a drink for commoners who fought in the war and are willing to relate their memories over a pint of ale. He carries some rough paper and a reed pen and scribbles down notes as the people talk.
OOC: anybody want to contribute to a history of the Peltarch civil war? PM me or look for Genzir Malark IG.
((Feel free to use mine, also posted here: http://www.narfell.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=29288&highlight=))
///There is a thread already in existance of Civil War Story's. Worth maybe contacting the authors either IG or via PM for permission/a copy of the story.