Note of the 4 day siege upon Norwick

  • Yet again, another goblin attack came upon Norwick at the south gates. Grag the orc and Crome the dwarf held the gate until reinforcements could arrive from Jiyyd. The goblins attacked with catapults, hulks, and undead minions, but were held back by the force from Jiyyd. The doors to the gate were destroyed in the 4 day siege. No Norwick militia could be found defending the gate during the course of the battle.

    Those of us in Norwick thank the people of Jiyyd for their support in these difficult times.

    Of the heroes there, I was able to take down the names of several and I would like them to be recognized. My apologies to those whos names I have missed.

    Raisa, of the Fir Dyerninas, daughter of Mikhail, ethran of Rashemen
    Crome the dwarf
    Ponce the cleric of Norwick
    Arcaome Mennemen the Arcana Advisor to Chancellor Lofundil

    • Lucidious

  • Upon hearing the rumors that he had help fend off the goblins and undead, Wolf grew a bit nervous. Those who were there would have noticed he didnt actually fight, but tended to the wounded (not using his healing powers).

  • Raisa has a laugh the next day when one of the farmhands addresses her by her full, transliterated title.