*Tacked up outside the Norwick town hall*

  • _Luckily, by that point, the party is over, and all the refreshments cleared out.

    Except maybe the poison ale. *_

    *disclaimer: Poison Ale may or may not exist. Actual results may vary. Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear.

  • Rando was fighting in another party of the town during the town and once it was all over comes over to Fat boy Grag and says

    " no need to shout fat boy, i am here. In fact i am always here leading the defence, so what you shouting about then?"

    (Ic i would be there, just ooc i have to sleep and can't be logged on all the time)

  • Legion

    After another thawrted attack he stopped of bugbears he walks through the gates to the druid festival

    " The fark is tha fat ole bastad!? RANDA!? shouts and looks about

    some druids and others are seen murmuring "WHo cares he aint here! thats all that matters!"

    "randa is shoppin fer those purple poka dot thungs again tha ole bastad…." grabs some ales and tells the merchant to put it on rando's tab

  • A young woman in crimson and black robes watches the exchange, then pulls a parchment and ink from her pack and begins to take notes.

  • Smirks to Lof

    " not really"

  • Council of Moradin

    Oh Rando, i know this i not peltarch. And the herald has other things to do. Perhaps you hould ask him if he feels he has time to do all the paperwork alone. A pity you misunderstood the position I have. Good thing its clear now isnt it?

  • Simply watches on with a bright smile

  • Rando turns around and says

    " Not town scribe, your scribe. we already have a herrald in the hall, no need for another paper mover. This is not Peltarch. I was on the understanding your were diplomatic and druid advisor. You better advise your scripe to use the correct boards as its a offence to place them in other areas" Rando turns back to Mil

  • Council of Moradin

    Lof sees both men ripping down the paper and adresses them

    So, you are now ripping down official papers I have ordered to be put up and you are going to beat up the town cryer and scribe I have hired? Le me remind you…

    I am DOMESTIC and diplomatic chancellor. Apointing town scribe and other positions that regard domestic issues is my buisness and untill I say otherwise she remains as scribe and cryer. If you have a problem with this you we can discuss it in a more civilized manner in my office.

    Puts up the sign again and marks it with his chancellor ring

  • Rando seeing Milshot goes over to him and reads what he is about to rip down. He then says to Mil

    " You know who this loon is? Town scribe my ass. Find out who it is and 'rebrief' them the good old Militia way. Farking loons"

  • @f50198029a=Davidnwn:


    Overall, the cutest gnome ever

    Upon reading this a large half orc/elf smirks, serchs for his pack pulling out a pen and a bottle of ink, circles it and makes an arrow going to the side then scribles:

    A lie! She is cute but not the cutest!

    He then walks off with a faint smile on his face

    ///you do know Xolani is a hin, right?

  • @d0f42312bd=Mr_Atheist:

    Overall, the cutest gnome ever

    Upon reading this a large half orc/elf smirks, serchs for his pack pulling out a pen and a bottle of ink, circles it and makes an arrow going to the side then scribles:

    A lie! She is cute but not the cutest!

    He then walks off with a faint smile on his face

  • ::seeing the new sign on the board, Milshot is seen looking it over very closely, paying close attention to the lower corners of the post::

    There nae be a offical stamp o Rando on 'ere…

    Folks be needin' te follow em rules!

    ::at that, the sign is torn down and tossed into the trash::

    OOC: if you want to post "signs" in and about the town of Norwick proper, you need to post these in the official stick thread TOWN SIGNS AND ADVERTS and pay a twon official 20 gold... thanks!

    OOC off