SHUUDUPS YOU DO!!!! erugdish be sayses story

  • erugdish bes walk to gate ins norwick, bes big teleporter, askses erugdish if goeses in, he says okay. erugdish bes goes through portal, BES UNDEADIES EVERYWHERES!!!!!! erugdish runnses away and findses portal agains, he tell fellows who not go in portal bes sooo many zombies, they goses with erugdish and shootses all zombies. fellows make erugdish bes go first cos he have big axe to lop heads off, he lop many heads…......stares at the west gate of jiyyd COMESES ON ORCSES!!!!! ERUGDISH BES LOP YOUR HEADSES )FF!!!!!

  • erugdish be sayses SHUDDUPS!!!!!he be still teller of story!!!!!!!! whats you be say? orcses be outsides jiyyds?!?!? ERUGDISH LOP ALL HEADSES OFF!!!!!! (runs out the gate of jiyyd with his axe, yelling battlecries)

  • grunt I say ya roll a dozen lit powder kegs into the portal and let Vergadain sort out the riddles…

  • Tis True I was one of the first to enter this portal that was opened in Norwick and it lead to a tomb beneath Norwick its graveyards… The orc was very brave but clumsy as well setting off many traps. In the end we managed to stop the dead from overrun the town... The mystery to me is why this portal has been opened though? We couldnt find the source even though we searched the entire tomb. It has been opened in the past but has lead to other places besides the tomb... What is the magic behind this portal?