J-dub_2: Zeldor Notteel

  • Bump

    Zel has been gone for a while, but he's back now and STILL deserves a token.


  • ::throws a yes into the pot::

    I've had several RP experiences with this player and it is always well done and always IC. Have never seen or heard about anything negative about the player and I feel a token is well deserved.

    Keep it up there Bub!

  • Hello Friends,

    I, too, would like to cast a vote for Zeldor to receive a c-token. He is extremely deserving.

    I met Zeldor several years ago while holding off, yet another, goblin attack on the Norwick gates. Since that night, we have spent countless hours adventuring together. Zel has become a good friend and I have many fond memories of the hours spent adventuring, mining in the Jiyyd caves, and crafting in the Peltarch craft hall.

    Zel is a good friend to have in Narfell, he is loyal, honest, and true. He is extremely friendly and helpful to friends and strangers alike. I think he is a very good RPer and I know he would be a fantastic addition to the Narfell community. He certainly makes Narfell a better place.

    My final point - I started writing this nomination a few months ago and, for some forgotten reason, got distracted and never finished it. In my mind, I had posted it and only recently realized that I hadn't.

    I, literally, adventure with Zeldor almost every day and he has NEVER mentioned a c-token vote to me (IC or OOC). I've been begged by countless others for votes, but the fact that (after all these months) he never even hinted that I vote for him speaks volumes, in my mind.

    His original nomination was back in January and, since that time, many respected Narfers have voted for him. I believe he has waited long enough. He deserves a c-token, please give him one.

    Thank you,


  • I have played and hung out with Zel for a long time now and it suprises me to see that he doesn't have his token yet. He is a nicely played calm character who is always nice and polite. He has always been one of those people to answer my dumb questions that i should already know the answer to.

    Zeldor gets Juster's vote!

  • I've actually had quite a few interacting with Zeldor and for some reason i always thought he had a token. Never occurred to me to ask. Anyways, he's always been agreeable and I've never had any problems with him. Good roleplayer, and polite ooc. I'll give him my vote as well.

  • throws in a yes vote

  • I thought he had a token i have been zeldors friend a very long time carrying things to peltarch with him roleplaying is fun when zeldor is there i CAST MY VOTE FOR ZELDOR

  • No token yet? All power to Tokens!

  • Zeldor is a great earthy character, appropriately simple and straight-forward but always enjoyable… good company and keeps Cal out of trouble... 😉

    Vote from me...

  • ICC

    Count my vote as a yes.
    Token this guy if he hasn't already got one.


  • I fought many times with him in Norwick and more recently went adventuring with him. Good RP (for all the reasons above).

    I cast my vote !

    Milla Dannode'lin: Description; Story; Journal

    Frandor Dannode'lin: To come…

  • Zeldor has been moved to a new account…Zeldor_notteel....is the new account. Not sure if it matters or not, but thought you'd like to know.

  • Wow! I get to be one of those players that says, "what!? Zeldor doesn't have a C-Token!? I thought he did!"

    Nuff said?

  • Add my vote for J_Dub_2.

  • I agree with Sickfish's comments, which are very well-put.

    I'd like to see Zel tokenizerated.

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    edited the above post, because I realized that it had been saying I didn't want him to have a token, when in fact I meant the opposite.

  • Not that My opinion matters all that much in the scheme of things, but I cast a vote for J-Dub. He's a dependable, non-threatening gamer who rolls with the situation and doesn't step on player toes or rush you when you want to RP. Plus, he's more than willing to do a little RPing himself, stays in character (as a rather gruff and mercenary ranger), and helps those less fortunate folks who fall in battle without complaint.

    J-Dub's a team player, and while I can't guess what criteria a DM might want from a citizen, I think he could be counted on not to abuse the rights afforded those few high-level folks that call Narfell home.

    casts a ballot for Zeldor Noteel

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    I've played with Zel a good bit, and I can't help but say I think still has a little way to go in terms of roleplaying. He seems yet mildly juvenile at times and his characterization is sometimes inconsistent.

    Still, I think he'll sort things out, and I wouldn't really be opposed to giving him the token. Casts vote

  • Good player and a nice person OOC. Another who IMO will be a good addition to the community.

    vote cast

  • He has my vote for the afore mentioned reasons