• Council of Moradin

    In the morning the final count is tallied and pages are sent all over the city to make the public aware of the impending announcement. A huge crowd masses in front of the City Hall. Young and old, rich and poor, merchant and laborer all jostle for a good view and position to hear from. After nearly an hour of waiting, four guards march out and look around. Seeming satisfied, the officer knocks loudly on the huge wooden doors. The slim figure of Herald Thril eventually emerges and makes the following announcement…


    ::His voice booms with magical enhancement::

    The great city of Peltarch is pleased to announce the election of three new senators. We have long awaited the complete restoration of the Senate to it's full body of nine. With the addition of these three great citizens to our Senate, prosperity and peace will soon be ours.

    It is my great pleasure to announce our new senators….

    ::holds up a list as if he had to read them::

    ::pauses for what seems to be an eternity to several in the crowd::

    With the highest number of votes, Aaaron Ashald is the first addidtion to the Senate. My heart felt congratulations to the honored citizen and his family. A fine citizen and guardsmen now serves us in our highest office. May your strength of character and wisdom bear us all fruit.

    ::The crowd is about equally split between grumblers and supporters. Even the grumblers however don't seem surprised by the announcement.::

    The second highest tally belongs to the galant Mariston Thel. A hero to us all. Your service with the defense of the city and your devotion to truth and justice will be a bright star for us all to follow.

    ::Most in the crowd cheer. Loud cries from the off duty Defenders in attendance all show where Mariston's chief supporters come from.::

    ::Thril waits for a bit til the crowd settles… then waits some more... and some more... Several in the crowd yell for him to continue and eventually he does with a smile.::

    And now for the last!

    ::Crowd quiets down::

    This person has been an inspiration. From humble beginings this person has proven that hard work and persistance pay off. So many trials and tribulations have tempered this person's soul and made him into a man who will lead us to our future. His past makes us proud and the future seems bright… now that the blood of King Tidus is back in the lead of our great city! Tidus Clodpin is the final addition to Senate of Nine!

    ::About a third of the crowd starts to politely clap, then look around. Many others just look back and forth then clap. Many of the dock workers have hand over mouth, staring forward.::

    ::Several in the crowd then begin chanting "Tidus! Tidus!" and trying to get the rest of the crowd to join in to little effect.::

    As you stand watching the event wind down, you hear a passerby comment, "Shoulda known was gonna go tha way… Fool te think otherwise..."

  • _Dwin silently nods to the Senator, turns and walks away. His face turning more and more red, and heads to his store where he puts the "CLOSED" sign in the window.

    Neighbors of the store said later they heard more than one loud crashing noise and several loud shouts that sounded like Dwarven curses._


  • Senator Senella informs Dwin that the Senate has rejected the Union's offer and is looking into alternative avenues to persue for the hall.

  • Dwin has been asking around to see if there is any indication of what the Senate has discussed concerning the Peltarch crafting hall.

    Fer once there's no rumor-mill whatsoever in this town! What's the senate sayin?

  • Members of the Crafters Union are especially interested given the amount of time they have waited to hear the outcome of the trade hall…


  • DM

    Rumours around the districts of the city seem to be that the Senate is due to sit in session soon, traders, crafters, nobility, soldiers and clerics alike seem to be showing an interest as to when exactly it will be held. The supporters of the various senators watch closely the happenings as well as the outcome of the meeting.

  • Zyphlin can seen with a mix bit of emotion at the announcement…joy and relief, while at the same time dissappointment.

  • Rumours say Senator Senella has chosen the mysterious Shadowpoet as her Advisor, much to the bafflement of many. Will the Shadowpoet's identity be unveiled at the next Senate meeting, or will there be some other manner of trickery afoot to guard the controversial man's visage?

  • Olsen, buried in paperwork, looks up at the Far Scout who reports this recent occurence to him and snorts. Then goes back to filing a report and dispatching a page to the Generals etc muttering something about the folly of elections.

  • Fool can be seen at the forefront of Tidus's mobs of loyal supporters, creating fabulous displays of histrionic magic, usually inappropriate to the occasion.

    Arcane Glyphs on the back of his robe read "Tidus is my homeboy"

  • DM

    Rumour soon sifts from the finer districts of the city, that a senate meeting is due soon. The date as usual isn't published but aides, supporters, sponsors and lobbying parties are seen coming and going from the senate building to meet the senators as is usual prior to the session.

    Most of the folk seen are the scribes and aides to the senators, the ordinary folk keep their distance and now and again a well robed assistant finds themselves pelted with mud or vegetables from a hidden alleyway, it appears many folk are restless.

  • Dwin shakes his head when he hers the news and mutters to some of the other Peltarch dwarves at their daily ale-hour

    Whatever the fark they're doin… I just wish they'd get back to business! Bein a senator must be one easy job... doesn't seem they have to do an hour's worth o work in a whole month!

    Tis high time they start addressin' some issues... 'specially the Grand Craftin' Hall proposal.

    Dwin buys another round of ales for the dwarven drinking club as they go on to discuss the current "longlegged turmoil" in the city.

  • DM

    :: With a distinct lack of ceremony The Peltarch Herald Thril emerges from his heavily guarded location one evening at twilight, flanked with defenders, some in the garb of the Divine Shield armour ::

    He then makes a quiet statement in public, as he is obliged to do, but no fanfare, magically enhanced voice nor procession is forthcoming.

    "Owing to the discovery of administrative errors during our election the candidate Tidius was declared ascendent to the senate in error. Candidate Tidius was not available for comment at this time, and the ascendant candidate to the Senate is now correctly counted and verified as Eowiel Senella. From this day until her death or retirement she shall be addressed as Senator."

    :: Thril, within moments of his emergence from the building he is soon flanked by Vaster Ashald, whose appearance was quite unannounced , wearing a plain white robe who applauds the announcement with his personal guard close at hand as he extols for a few minutes the virtues of the ordinary man and woman of the city. A few aides hand out bread and salted fish from wagons as he speaks but within a short while, he and his assistants have gone. ::

    :: The small crowd seem pleased with Vaster's gestures, and populist move at this moment, bu the crowd soon grow restless the names of the other senators-elect on their lips as lazy and forgetting the ordinary folk to indulge their own activities ::

    :: The guards, who were not expecting an announcement act as best they can to separate and disperse the thankfully small crowd that by this time has run in from different parts of the city to hear the announcement ::

    :: For the rest of the night, there are the sounds of more broken windows, shouts, scuffles and the occasional scream in the darker and quieter streets of Peltarch ::

    :: In the immediate aftermath, disorder is up with reports of damage in the mermaid by drunken or angry patrons as well as to civic signs, buildings and statues ::

  • Talgrath is often seen with some of his men, off-duty of course, drinking and talking with them in either the Mermaid or the Lucky Ferret. Some people remark that it seems more like he's trying to keep things quiet in the taverns. When asked, Talgrath is heard to remark that he "thinks something was off" regarding the election, but he won't say anything more.

  • As the unrest continues, Dentin goes to meet with the local craftsmen, construction workers and dock workers to hear their opinions regarding the currently political state, and the senate.

  • DM

    The tensions seen occasionally on the streets show no sign of abating, and following the "new posters" more than one of the individuals who were seen previously to support Tidius have been seen with a bloody nose.

    Arguments around the impromptu public gatherings close to old and new posters alike, are on the increase. Equal to the arguments are also a number of previously opposing supporters of one candidate or another now seen to be in agreement on the state of inaction since the senates election.

  • Dentin just shakes his head, muttering in passing.
    "When Politics act up, the people are the first to suffer."

  • As the anniversary approaches some posters are miraculously replaced, and hang there as new, just as they were during the heated campaigns…it seems some people are not content to just grumble over their ale...

  • DM

    Over the next few days…..

    Groups of various folk are found to be enjoying the ever so slightly warmer air of the summer of Peltarch, standing outside the inns drinking and sailors indulge their many means of business and pleasure among the alehouses and houses of ill repute.

    A few sailors here and there stand around quite apparent though the groups seem unrelated not enjoying the slight revelry now the docks are fully back to normal it seems after the recent undead problems.

    Other groups of merchants, nobles and commoners are seen standing around various parts of the city with little it seems in common.

    The sharp eyed, and politically active might notice them pointing at the old faded election posters, frowing and complaining.

    The guards move people on of course from the non public places of gathering in the city, but other groups from youths to old retired soldiers seem to be deep in thought, or quiet in their debates.

    The faded posters are occasionally torn down, some kept... some crumpled and thrown into alleys, which seem to be filling up with rather more rats than usual in the poor parts of the city.

    A few tempers get frayed with the occasional beer bottle thrown between groups of revellers, but nothing too serious it seems, but perhaps its just alcohol causing the tense mood.

    ... those with political leanings will realise the anniversary of the Election is coming up soon...

  • Tidus has his first order of business:

    Making the loyalty oath manditory for all office holders.

  • Should this have happened at the Grammy's, Tidus would have had the following to say:

    You like me! You really do!

    First. I gotta give straight up to AO. Thru U all things be possible. Next I gots ta give props to my mom. She be the one who give me the blood of kings coursin thru me. Big ups to Momma Clodpin.

    I gotta next give bigs ups to my posse. Wit Out jew I can't keep them posers and pretenders from my throne. You keep tha shit real on them streets. You bust them skulls when the creepers come catin' round my shit, bitch.

    Next I mus give it up for my contenders. I thought I told y'all tramps before, y'all tramps can't play wit me? Das right.

    Suck on deez nutz.


    Busta ass bustas. I'm out.