Laura Steel, the loveable street girl

  • Laura Steel is a 19 year old girl from the city of Athkatla. She only just recently moved to Peltarch. She is 5 foot 8 inches tall and has really dark red hair. She is stunnigly beautiful yet still quite strong. Take a good look at her and you will notice she has dagger hilts sticking out of her tunic all the time, showing she is very dangeous and is ready to pull out any of them. She has lived in cities all her life, which is her excuse for never leaving them. The actual reason is that she is afraid of what's outside the city. She never knew her parents, she was raised by a Shadow Thief named Jeremy before he was killed when she was 7. She knows the streets very well, for all her life she had to use her natural charm and beauty to get her way. Of course this hasn't stopped her from petty thieving and other low things to get her meal everyday. She is really confused, she wants to be something greater than what she is but at the same time she's happy where she is. She suffers from massive, constant mood swings. Laura has a sharp tongue, if she likes you she won't try to hide it at all, but if she dosen't you'll know about it.