Moe makes an announcement

  • Moe stands in the main square in town and announces to the people gatehred there
    "I am banning the lass known as Lilin Rogers from stepping foot in to this town, the reason for the banning is she is a cursed werewolf. During a bugbear raid she transformed, and attacked the people around her. Until such a time that she can prove the curse has been lifted, if she is found with in these walls she will be arrested for endangering the lives of our citizens and punished accordingly. The same will apply for any found to be helping her to enter town."
    moe stops talking and waits for the uproar

  • moe lets it be known that this ban still stands despite rando, pardonning all other banned people

  • Since I don't know who can consider themselves qualified to determine wether or not she is in Contrrol of her condition, I would like Tindra's vote of confidence in her before she be allowed back.

  • Nicahh sincerely thanks him, smiling happily afterwards.

  • Upon hearing about Nicaah's inquiries moe responds
    "I have already spoken to Ike and told him, once she gains control of her transformed self she will be welcome in town"

  • Nicahh is seen inquiring within Norwick about the actual laws regarding those cursed by wereanimals. She points out that some that suffer the same curse are allowed to roam the streets and if it would be possible for the ban to be lifted once, or if, Lilin gains some control of the beast within.

  • *Milla, who was watching the annoncement from behind the crowd, walked slowy to Cike and whispered: *

    I'm sorry…. If I can do anything, please, ask me.

    While looking down to the ground, avoiding eyes, she walked away to the inn to think about what happened in the past few days.

    ((I think I did call Lilin a werewolf... but Milla's knowledge is that, for now, as she's new to the world of adventure. Must say that she ran off quickly too, so she almost haven't seen the were-something))

    Milla Dannode'lin - Female half-elf Ranger.

    Frandor Dannode'lin - Male elf ??? (in the future)

  • @37f2bea782=losl:

    //Note: she was a werecat, not werewolf. kk.

    ((some one mentioned werewolf to him ic, so going with that))

  • Few would notice the small halfling standing discretely in the shadows, listening carefully to the crier's message.

  • Cike Approaches Moe tight lipped his hands balled in fists and his head hung low

    //whenever you got time Moe PM or IRC

  • //Note: she was a werecat, not werewolf. kk.

  • tala pulls Moe aside and had a quiet word with him