Maya says ...

  • …Vote Zyphlin and Mariston!

    Is good choice. Both have much good in heart.

  • Attentus announces his support for Clandra and Eowiel

  • Talgrath says: Mariston or Zyphlin would be exactly what this city needs right now. Eowiel is all right…usually. The other three are nothin close to what this city needs in a senator; an empty-deaded lot, by and by.

  • _Elissa calmly comments…

    Aarron seems to be an acceptable choice, according to an interview he even would agree to not take his salary as a senator, because he believes in serving the people. The only problem seems to be that he lacks a vision and goal, relying on stereotypical answers to stereotypcial problems.

    Clandra is a very unique candidate in that she has a true vision and tries to achieve a goal, even if it might seem impossible. She obviously also has a good heart and will try to make everyone's life better. She's probably the best choice, despite a lack of easy to achieve or stereotypcial goals.

    Tidus didn't spare time to talk with her at all, despite her attempts. Some parts of his campaign seemed to make sense, but…

    Mariston seems too busy with his other duties already, he couldn't even spare time for a few questions, even early in his campaign. Also suffers from his stereotypical answers and soldier like outlook on problems.

    Zyphlin proved very indecisive about trying to become a senator and as such likely won't put much work into this job, as he probably tried to achieve the position only out of a whim, as is his typical demeanour.

    Eowiel, while being a stereotypical in her answers, and quickly adopting the problems she hears about, might make the best choice from the stereotypical candidates because she was commited from the beginning and is also easy going and a tolerant person, while she was working in law-enforcement. Also she seems to have experience in the political matters._

  • Vittorio could be heard agreeing with Gildor on two parts, the paladin and the bard.

    //which bard… secret 😉

  • Gildor says:

    "Pally's can't compromise, don' wan some Zealot politician who can only follow terms of Torm, 'ad enough with Koreth's religious nuttery. Nah vote for Zyphlin he bloody deserve it by now, and Eo, she is already doin' tha damn job"

  • @942dc897a2=Archon_Prime:

    Elor says…

    "Vote Eowiel and Clandra.
    This town needs more bard."

    Think Clandra is silly vote. Is senate seat, not senate bed.

  • Elor says…

    "Vote Eowiel and Clandra.
    This town needs more bard."