*Rando pays a few people to spread the word*

  • Rando pays a few people to spread the word that Rando is offering Gold to anyone who will bring him Pelts of small, medium and large animals. If asked, the rates depend on size, quaility and amount. Rando only wants pelts, any other by product of the animal can be kept by the hunter. Those who have worked for rando before know he is generous with the gold

    (if you want to do this send a tell or pm to rando and we can rp the rest)

  • If this is brought to his attention, Oreth shrugs

    Rando has made wasteful use of resources in this area before, and has been seen abusing animals and the land itself wantonly and gleefully. Anyone helping him to do so risks acquiring the same reputation.

    I am not threatening anyone. I'm warning folks. Hunt wastefully, or excessively, and the circle will punish you. And it's a lot easier for us to know the extent of your hunting if you're dealing with someone we trust.

  • On hearing Oreth Threaten anyone who works for Rando he spreads word that

    "Anyone working for Rando is under his protection, anyone harming any of his employees will wish they had never crossed him. He makes a Joke how Oreth tried to fight him and could not even land a hit before Rando beat the snot out of him in a few hits, he then mercifully spared his life."

    Rando is seen laughing at the last comment

    " Oreth could not even cut himself, let alone anyone else. How hipocritical that he threatens anyone working for me, but anyone else collecting Pelts for anyone else is fine. More like he has not got the balls to face me, but tries to threaten people by hiding behind the circle. I did not know he became high Druid to make such a boast"

    Rando goes looking for Oreth with a glint in his eye that can only spell one thing for Oreth

  • ((doublepost, sorry))

  • *Oreth spreads word that anyone known to be hunting for Rando will meet with only hostility from the circle, and himself in particular, and are liable to find themselves banned from the rawlinswood and other woodland areas if things get abusive.

    Otherwise, he lets it be known that, within reason, hides of animals killed for food can be bought by himself, or Arandor Silmarien, so long as the killing is not wasteful or excessive.*