Terrick Missing

  • Lilith sits quietly in camp, speaking little to those around her… outwardly she is as she always was, looking out for the camp and its people, her only family.
    Inwardly, crushing fear paralyzes... makes her sword hand unsteady and worse.
    She knows there are Drow nearby and now at this time she has never felt more alone.
    Terrick went on patrol ...a night patrol... and never returned. Her stomach twists in knots as she searches for any sign of him , asking all have they seen him.

    ((OOC ... disciples pc is having all sorts of dramas... it isnt known when he will be able to return .))

  • ((bump bump… sorry need this to tie in with my other post re terrick since this is where it started

  • Bridie looks more and more worried as time goed by, Liilth is acting very oddly, wandering off alone, muttering about valis and bodies in the spiders…. bodies??
    Ise kna ye ads ta dus what ye didds ta valis ... but hooo else be aht there? "
    She overhears liiths dreams, and they are all of valis... his name on her lips in the night... and something about a red necklace....
    where is Terrick? is he missing or did she kill him.