Edheldîn - A Life of Duty
Account Name: Cold_Rothgar
Character Name: EdheldinEdheldÃ
n was raised by the Rawlins, it is all he can remember. No parents, so friends or companions save the wild animals to whom he is almost kindred, if not in body then in spirit. He is a Wild Elf, under his hood he has red-copper colored hair, but most never get to see that as his hood has rarely been let down. He serves Silvanus, but in his heart he values the laws of Nature more than any teaching deity. Often having to fend himself from the golins that plague Rawlinswood since he was young he is adept in combat against them and is often seen wielding duel weapons. To rid the Rawlins of goblins is what he feels as his personal duty, though he knows in his heart that it will never be possible he works towards it ayways. He does not get along well with other people, even Elves,he is quiet. His name means Silent Elf or Elf of Silence and is not very charismatic. Nevertheless, if he sees someway that travelling with people will help him in his work, he will be glad to travel with them, no matter what his feelings towards them might be.
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