The Dwarven Brigade

  • A single horn rang out through the night as a force of dwarves, no less then ten strong, began their march to the Orc plains in search of the fallen kin, Jirka Larkurs body who had been stolen from by the Orcs.

    They downed all Orcs in their path, blood spilling left or right, and the only thing standing were the Dwarves.

    Thorbrands, Dolvaks, and other dwarven clans were in the making of this brigade as they fought feriously through the Orc plains, proceeding to the caves. Many Orcs awaited them hear, though were downed quickly.

    Another horn blew out from Tobur as the Dwarves charged through the corridors of the cave, slaying all Orcs in their path, proceeding themsevles to the huts.

    Orcs flew out of the huts trying to stop the crazy Dwarves from killing their king, but nothing would stop them. They had vengeance in their eyes.

    Hamish Thorbrand broke down the door to the kings hut, went in their and slain him with his axe. The kings head toppled to the ground as the Dwarves cheered, then began their search for the body.

    However, the body was not to be found, as countless more Orcs were slaughtered as the Dwarves grew with more vengeance by the moment.

    After no success at finding the body in the caves, the Dwarves reassembled and headed back to Jiyyd, all being badly wounded. With vengeance in their eyes and blood on their faces, all know this isnt the end..

    • Foilir tugs his beard pensively hearing of this "dwarven brigade". He furrows his brow deeply as he hears his cousin Belin was in their midst*

    <d>Yeh best temper yeh drunken muscles. Anythin happen teh our cousin anna der wills be hell teh pay

    • Looking for Belin, the normally ornery dwarf becomes downright surely and red faced, thinking of her running around in the midst of the large orcs. *</d>

  • Belin having been the only female in the group slips away as well. Muttering about 12 drunk dwarven men and if she'd wanted to see it she would have stayed in the ironspur.

  • _Later on that night, after the warcries and rush of battle has faded from their eyes, the majority of the Thorbrands can be seen near the Jiyyd Inn, drinking away their profits from the day's battle save one ; Hamish appeared to have slipped away before the drinking begun towards the temple to pray for Absolution.

    Believing himself to have failed to recover the body of Jirka, the dwarven priest sat in quiet prayer infront of the underground lake in the temple, turning all but Kanaxar and close kin away._