Help the orphans of peltarch

  • Ocean watches the sudden interest in the Orphanage with wry amusement considering how long she's been running it based entirely on her own funding. With the recent influx of monies from the Court Case in which Magistrate Sigerlson awarded the Orphanage 24,000 gold she is in negotiations with an architect to design and build a second building.

  • Elissa spends a lot of time there, sometimes performing funny card tricks or other amusing things. She also watches the children and hand picks a select few who she teaches some of the tricks. And generally how to handle cards to a better outcome.

  • Belade spends a couple of days at the orphanage, putting her considerable healing skill (13 points in healing) to use, and playing with the children. She tells them some stories, all of them positive, some of them about Sune. To the oldest of the children, she tells some heroic tales, some about her own exploits, about the virtues of love, honor and sacrifice. At night, she puts down her bedroll in a corner, and sleeps there, her sword in its sheath next to her. After three days, she sets out again, but promises to return next week.

    //she will be hanging out there most of the time when I'm not playing her

  • A stout dwarf named Gorin can allso be seen in and about the Orphanage, constantly puffing his pipe. He aids as best he can curing some minor colds and such. He allso tries to get a hold of Sir Richard, to hand over what gold he has for this grand cause.

  • a man in Black and green Robes can be seen at the Orphanage talking with the abandoned children, Making them promises of a better life. He tells them stories and gives them gifts. He also urges any who wish to better themselves to seek out the Dark Lord Bane and ask him for guidance.

  • Lilly frequently spends time at the orphanage, reading to the children, telling them stories and singing to them, exactly as since the orphanage was founded after the Civil War

  • Lord Aarron goes to the orphanage to donate 1000 gold as well and assures more will be coming as soon as possible. He also spends some time with the children, playing and telling stories to them, smiling happily.

    ((get you IG to give the gold after the holidays, merry xmas everyone, see you after boxing day.))