Help the orphans of peltarch

  • Sir Richard Luis has been seen spending alot of time in the orphanage. It is past its capacity and the numbers of children number about 200. Due to the war efforts against the eastlanders.
    He has taken it upon himself to help in any way possible lady Niccah out of the goodness of her heart donated 1500 gp and the sir shannon donated 1000. Sir Richard Luis is taking any donation to buy food,blankets, oil and wood to keep them warm. he also is buying toys for the children to cheer them up in their moment of pain. Also to his amazement a man in banite armor donated some wood and some oil flask to aid the children.
    He approaches anybody he sees. Those that can not donate or like to do more. he ask to spend some time with the children reading them a book or just listening to them as they remeber their parents and cry.

    //all money collected will be used to buy itemes and rped their real numbers and values. If possible IG if i could give it to a dm hopefully the 25 of dec if not maybe the 27 of dec. thanks and merry christmas from the knight with the big heart.

  • In light of the recent happenings between renegade Banites and kidnappings, as well as a recent brush with his own mortality, Bub Bilmfrin has taken a keen interest in Sir Richard's cause. For the last few days Bub has been visiting the orphans in Peltarch, entertaining the waifs by way of telling watered-down versions of his usual drinking stories, while letting young and old alike take a hand at a new game he invented, which he as aptly coined, "Tackle the Gnome". Both Bub and quite a few of the children were sorry when he had to leave, but Bub promised them he'd return, only give them something really great next time.

  • Sir Richard Luis gathers the workers and volunteers of the orhanage and make a quick speach.
    "Ladies and gentlemen I humbley stand before you as a freind and coworker. As you all know I have been placed responsible for the construction of the new orphanage I will be leaving shortly to near bye towns in search of architects. Lady Ocean and I will be interviwewing all architects from the city limits and those from nearbye towns. I will miss all of you greetly and hope to return as soon as possible.Keep up the great work."

    Sir Richard is seen gathering some supplies for a trip. Before he leaves he says farewell to the children and tells them will be back soon. Many of the children are seen crying especially little timy that has grown found of Richard.

    // due to rl issues((birth of second child and computer totally died on me)) I will be out for about 4-6 wks))

  • ((Thanks, may need to do the same with some of the other supplies we've gathered, too much space for Rp only gear))

  • Penny arrives at the orphanage for the first time since returning from her hiatus, bearing an armful of leather gloves, belts, and boots of various sizes for any orphans who may need some new clothing. Since the Eastlander War she has taken up tanning and leatherworking, and has decided to donate any new items she creates to the orphans. While it will be a monumental effort, she hopes to be able to one day offer each one of the children a new outfit when they need one.

    ((I assume you don't -actually- want all these items left around someplace, so I'll trash them as they're made and keep track of numbers :)))

  • Having finally cleared the last of the temporary visitors back to their soldier families who are now back from the war, Ocean is seen sitting with one of the younger of the new orphans created in the conflict asleep in her lap, looking across the Orphanage foyer at where her song is hung, her eyes clearly damp, but a soft smile on her face.

  • The following poem is delievered by ladies in crimson and black robes, many would recognize them as women of the Sisterhood. Careful placed in a darkwood frame, it is rumored that Nicahh requested a poem be created to honor Ocean and her generous spirit. Many giggle that honorary Sister Jerr, Nars Skald, was the one to creature such a lovely piece of art rather than one of the girls. Those that know the man don't find it peculiar at all though. However, they do seem concerned that he has gone missing for over a month now.



    The sea sends back what you give it
    but never the same again
    It takes and molds every last bit
    be it women, ships, or men

    Ocean, she takes in the lost ones
    Those with no home of her own
    She takes then off of the street run
    And tells them they are not alone

    The sea reflects what come to it
    Sometimes blue, but often gray
    You cannot overcome nor claim it
    Just try to make your way

    She did not come begging for gold, ey?
    She just gave what she had on her own
    She showed the others the right way
    But was willing to go it alone

    The storms of the sea are the strongest
    With waves topped by whitecaps so high
    Those who live the longest
    Know to run with the seas or die

    If any were such fools as to threaten
    Her charges then they soon would learn
    She would find them and you could bet, then
    They would soon in their own hell burn

    The seas have a beauty so fey
    That they capture many a soul
    And until a sailors last day
    He'll always hear the waves roll

    She has touched many a young life
    Raised them up from where they did lay
    She's been peace, in a city of strife
    May she be blessed each and every day
    May she be blessed each and every day

    Jerr, Skald of the Nars

  • Sir Richard is seen speaking to different architects one of his conversations goes as follows:
    "Lady Ocean has seen my hard work and dedication and has intrusted me in this very important task and I will not fail her. So I ask you to build this building like it was your own home out of love and hard work. The new orphanage must have a school room with 20 seats. Dinning room with a kitchen attached seating is 100 on benches if space is limited then 50 on benches will have to do. Sepearate dorms for the boys and girls 50 each. With separate bathrooms to include showers. Ample storage room is a must.
    I also need two offices next to each other one for Lady Ocean and one for my self. I want them next to each other so I may speak to Lady Ocean whenever the situation dictates as this will make things more effeceint. I can not continue working out of my bedroom in the inn. Writing all these letters on my bed is counter productive. Also when the new building is done lady ocean and I can work along side each other for the betterment of the children.
    If you can also provide the orphanage a sizeable discount on construction cost I would assume that the gods would smile down on you and your business, help in your business in the public eyes and the government would possible look kindly on you also. Thank you see what you can do the rest of the information is in these documents.

  • Sir Richard Luis notices that the girls exit from their talk giggling and laughing. Some even puff out their chest walking about with a sence of muturity. Sir Richard luis also noticed a young girl that is a little slow but has a heart of an angel. she appearantly walk around with the supplies given to her by the sisterhood under her armpit.

    Some days later Lady Ocean in the inn tells Sir Richard that he will supervise the construction of building of the new orphange.Sir Richard comments that he is honored at the responsiblity of this endever. He further states that he will send all his ideas of adoption, mentoring apprenteceship and schooling for her insight and approval.

  • Nicahh and several of her sisters are seen entering the orphanage, a few bags of supplies with them, asking all the girls, 10 and over, to join them for a private conversation. Rumor spreads that Sir Richard Luis, in his persistant attempt to assist the children of the orphanage, had asked them to come talk to the girls about the transition into womanhood and to bring any needed supplies. Although Nicahh teasingly asked Sir Richard to join them for the talk, he was seen stepping outside, his face a crimson hue, dripping with sweat, hands trembling. Those who absolutely believe all paladins are immune to fear, have never had to explain puberty to a group of young girls.

  • The pale elf known as Keira begins to be a more frequent visitor to the orphanage, usually accompanied by another of the scarlet-robed Sisterhood.

    To support the other advice that the growing young ladies are receiving, Keira will teach a variety of techniques by which a young lady might defend her honour against a larger and stronger opponent.

    It seems that will, focus and an averagely strong thumb can be surprisingly discouraging and often allow a Lady time to leave a threatening situation.

    'When in doubt, run'

  • Council of Moradin

    *and has been doing it since the orphanage opened.

  • As periodically occurs, Lilly finds her way quietly into the orphanage, setting a few plates of roasted meats on a nearby table to be discovered later. She takes a book from her pack, and settling some of the nearby children around her and the littlest among them into her lap to help her flip pages, she reads aloud to them.

    Judging by their reactions, and smiles upon the faces of a few, this is far from the first time she's been there.

    //would have been doing this since the orphanage was founded if I had had any idea of what to do. 😞

  • Rumors spread that tension between Lady Ocean and Sir Richard has improved. Sir Richard is seen spending time with the children and when they are asleep he is seen speaking of how he can help her with her goals for the future of the orphanage and the children.

  • @488a48b4b9=Darkpowder:

    I'm even impressed that bard Mirkali actualyl thought along the same lines as me for once, good job.

    ((you did read my post sometime ago about giving working age orphans apprenticeships? :twisted: ))

  • @8cff92bf44=Scutum:

    Coming off duty, Aelhaearn pays a visit to the orphanage and asks to speak to whomever manages the care of the children. He asks how many, if any, of the children in the care of the orphanage, are of the elven species.

    Thars nay elven children here at the moment. They come in from time to time, but are usually collected within a few days by elves. They nay like to see their precious children left in care long and wi' elven children so special ter their race they get taken in very quickly.

  • Nyda continues to drop into the orphanage now and then and is most impressed with Mirkali's recent bequest. She also praises the efforts of Clandra and Aarron in the setting up of the school.

  • DM

    The Magistrate wanders by one day when Eowiel is in the Orphanage exchanging the odd word with her.

    He looks around for some time for a responsible looking adult, and enquires on the age of these children, and when the children can be properly sent back to a normal family for the life a child can expect.

    Have we had any offers of formal adoption from all these benefactors?

    He also enquires on the ages of the children, and asks which of those children are of working age (we can assume 10-13 year old children start work as adults do in this sort of setting - rather than using modern considerations?).

    I'm even impressed that bard Mirkali actualyl thought along the same lines as me for once, good job.

  • Coming off duty, Aelhaearn pays a visit to the orphanage and asks to speak to whomever manages the care of the children. He asks how many, if any, of the children in the care of the orphanage, are of the elven species.

  • nods slightly Aye, Eowiel and Mariston have both been friends of mine and of the Orphanage for many years, Richard. And the orphanage and I do support them fully. As far as I'm concerned that's where my two votes are probably goin' ter go. When I bought the property and set up this orphanage it was with the private help and donations of people such as these two that I managed it, essentially out of my own pocket. I am also immensely grateful for the zeal and effort wi' which yer supporting me and the orphanage Richard and hope that it lasts a good long time, and nay just til yer friend in the Order o' the Divine Shield get's elected. Sorry if I sound cynical, but ah'z been paying fer everything myself fer years and the sudden intrest around election time strikes me as convenient. I know yer has a good heart Richard, just remember these kids live a long long time, nay just a few months. I'z seen kids come in from the civil war and I'z set them up in apprenticeships and in new homes from all the years since then. When the orphanage wants ter speak on a matter, ~I~ will speak on it. I'z never expected anything from my work with the kids, nay even popularity. Be grateful if yer followed the same code in yer dealings wi' me and the orphanage.