Help the orphans of peltarch

  • Rumors spread that tension between Lady Ocean and Sir Richard has improved. Sir Richard is seen spending time with the children and when they are asleep he is seen speaking of how he can help her with her goals for the future of the orphanage and the children.

  • @488a48b4b9=Darkpowder:

    I'm even impressed that bard Mirkali actualyl thought along the same lines as me for once, good job.

    ((you did read my post sometime ago about giving working age orphans apprenticeships? :twisted: ))

  • @8cff92bf44=Scutum:

    Coming off duty, Aelhaearn pays a visit to the orphanage and asks to speak to whomever manages the care of the children. He asks how many, if any, of the children in the care of the orphanage, are of the elven species.

    Thars nay elven children here at the moment. They come in from time to time, but are usually collected within a few days by elves. They nay like to see their precious children left in care long and wi' elven children so special ter their race they get taken in very quickly.

  • Nyda continues to drop into the orphanage now and then and is most impressed with Mirkali's recent bequest. She also praises the efforts of Clandra and Aarron in the setting up of the school.

  • DM

    The Magistrate wanders by one day when Eowiel is in the Orphanage exchanging the odd word with her.

    He looks around for some time for a responsible looking adult, and enquires on the age of these children, and when the children can be properly sent back to a normal family for the life a child can expect.

    Have we had any offers of formal adoption from all these benefactors?

    He also enquires on the ages of the children, and asks which of those children are of working age (we can assume 10-13 year old children start work as adults do in this sort of setting - rather than using modern considerations?).

    I'm even impressed that bard Mirkali actualyl thought along the same lines as me for once, good job.

  • Coming off duty, Aelhaearn pays a visit to the orphanage and asks to speak to whomever manages the care of the children. He asks how many, if any, of the children in the care of the orphanage, are of the elven species.

  • nods slightly Aye, Eowiel and Mariston have both been friends of mine and of the Orphanage for many years, Richard. And the orphanage and I do support them fully. As far as I'm concerned that's where my two votes are probably goin' ter go. When I bought the property and set up this orphanage it was with the private help and donations of people such as these two that I managed it, essentially out of my own pocket. I am also immensely grateful for the zeal and effort wi' which yer supporting me and the orphanage Richard and hope that it lasts a good long time, and nay just til yer friend in the Order o' the Divine Shield get's elected. Sorry if I sound cynical, but ah'z been paying fer everything myself fer years and the sudden intrest around election time strikes me as convenient. I know yer has a good heart Richard, just remember these kids live a long long time, nay just a few months. I'z seen kids come in from the civil war and I'z set them up in apprenticeships and in new homes from all the years since then. When the orphanage wants ter speak on a matter, ~I~ will speak on it. I'z never expected anything from my work with the kids, nay even popularity. Be grateful if yer followed the same code in yer dealings wi' me and the orphanage.

  • Sir Richard Luis gathers all the workers and volunteers in to the orphange's cafeteria. He calmly and with a clear voice states.

    "Ladies and gentlemen thank you for being here today. I want to say thanks to your efforts and perseverence this orphanage has met the pysical, emotional and spiraetal needs of the children. I would like to address a few items today with all of you.
    "first, we have secured the promise of a current senator and two canidates to the senate .That they will help us in three area's that we so desperatelly need.These promise are as followed.
    1)government aid to the orphanage to include but not limit, supplies and food.
    2)government aid to families that adopt children from the orphanage.
    3)government aid for a school for all children of peltarch.

    "these are bold agendas but are children desearve this. For it is true they are the future of peltarch."

    "With this in mind the orphanage has officially endorsed for senate the canidate Sir Mariston Thel and canidate Lady Eowiel Senella. With words and actions they have demenstrated that they will help the children and help us in doing our work,our goals, our passion. We all are in this together we all strive for the common goals. Now more then ever we need to strive whats best for the children.
    " In the comming days I will announce phase two of our initiave for the future of this orphanage and the future of the children. there are still details that must be sorted out but I will say that those that are involoved are very exated for this phase will help the children and us that work tirelessy for them."
    " I ask you to not waver and not give up. We have come so far, the children are laughing and playing their smiles have return.We have done so much but their is more to do, help is on the way, for sake of the children and the joy they have brought to all of us. Now more then ever we must work tirelessly for those that can not work.Speak for those that can not speak.Vote for those that can not vote. I see how the children look at us I see already how much of a differents we have made do not be discouraged. But be incouraged for with your hard work You have made a difference.

    • Richards voice gets louder*

    "Stay the course as we make this orphanage a better place. We make Peltarch a better place. We make all of narfell a better place."
    "thank you , thank you very much."

    • The cafeteria errupts with cheers and people claping their hands. Little by little they filter out of the room with a sence of purpose and a renewed spirit to work even harder for ths children*

  • Council of Moradin

    The children were always greatful to their protector Miss Ocean and as respectful and obedient as could possible be expected. It was always hard work trying to manage all of her daily responcibilities.

    But there was always a pervasive sadness. At times, Ocean would wake to the sounds of crying in the dorm rooms. The children would all gather into little knots comforting the smaller children, most all with wet eyes. During the day it was most always half smiles and play with all their new brothers and sisters… Miss Ocean when she wasn't busy trying to keep the orphanage afloat.

    Times were hard and Ocean felt it. She kept alot of it bottled away from the view of the children. Their problems were deep enough without having to worry about rising food prices, heating oil, and new beds for the ever growing numbers of orphans.

    Those children whose parents were in the Defenders were often adopted by families of current Defenders. Many of those children stayed but a few days. As the many battles continued however, even the homes of the Defenders filled up and with deep regret, Defender orphans found their stays at the orphanage go from days to weeks... then to months...

    Recently though many new changes have come and it plays out across the faces of the children. Once where only a half smile would shine, great smiles and giggles of glee fill the orphanage. The newer orphans are always sad as can be expected, but within a few months they seem to have accepted not only the death of their parents, but also their new family.

    Several women whose husbands have died in combat have enrolled their children into the orphanage and live there as well to take on some of the work Ocean has had to do alone. They ask no payment and feed their own children, but allow the children to play together to help them dull the pain of losing their fathers.

    The nightly crying sessions have fallen to weekly. Children play and learn. The stories of the "greatest heroes of all time" excite and delight children whose only bond was once sadness and grief.

    All a great testiment to the efforts of Miss Ocean, matron of the orphanage.

  • For a few hours every week, the Bard Eowiel comes to tell the Orphans grand stories of dragons, Kanen Hightower, maidens in distress, fiendish villains the likes of Ashan Nottiams and a few amusing phrases of elven they can surprise others of her species with, using the skills of a Master Bard which she only rarely showcases in performances these days. She tells them of famous figures of Peltarch's past, giving them a mystical account of the Legend of the Fisher King, complete with Mermaids, wishes and epic deeds aplenty, stories of the famous bard Arryn Raven or the mighty Sorceress Senator, Ayanie. She prefers showing up on quieter days, when the children might be bored or restless.

  • _A wandering being hidden by the shadows that serve her, watches in frustration as an ever growing barrier envelopes the orphanage.

    Reluctantly, she goes to find easier prey._

  • Mariston Thel arrives at the orphanage one day, and speaks happily with the children. He passes to them many books with colourful pictures and tales of chivalry. He also carries sets of tin armour and padded wooden blades for the children to play with. He is seen sitting reading from the books to the children, a role he seems very at ease and familiar with. Before he leaves he talks with those that have taken the time and care to tend the children. He speaks high praise of the selflessness of the folk. Citing Lady Ocean and Sir Richard often for their kindness.

  • _Elena is seen frequently in the orphanage, giving lessons to the orphans in reading and writing.

    It is known that she has taken some of the more aspiring orphans under her wing, teaching them first aid and herbology, after classes._

  • _Roland pays a visit to the orphanage one morning, touring the facility and inspecting the construction on its expansion. He seems pleased at the work and commends Ocean and Sir Richard on their efforts.

    He tells the children the story of Itago, a girl who saved her village in northern Rashemen by warning it of a barbarian attack, saving many lives. Afterwards, Helm appeared to her and offered to grant her one wish; she asked for a puppy to keep her company.

    Roland presents the children with their new pet. Those who see the Itago note that it is a rather unusual breed, small and quiet, with long gray hair and the tendency to pace constantly. It sleeps rarely, and then without closing its eyes. One suspects the animal will keep a close watch over the orphanage._

  • :Blevins gives a copy to Richard then the goup of hardened veterans turns and leaves.

    Richard takes the copy and is speachless after a few minutes he gets his composure and fights back a tear. He escorts the general thru the orphanage and shows him the facility. He also asks the children to make some pictures and before the General leaves. The children present the general with gifts.
    The pictures are simple mostly them with there parents before they died in front of a cottage. One picture in particualr shows great promise done by ten season old little girl((// ten year old)). It shows the generall standing on top of dead bandits waving the defenders colors.

    Sir Richard Luis thanks the general and all his men for their time and efforts. He concludes in saying "children know not politics,buerocrcy,hypocrcy, relgious devotion,pride or war. All they ask is to feel wanted and loved.We can not bring back their parents but we can feed them, help them feel wanted and love them unconditionally."

  • Ocean raises an eyebrow "Since the Civil war I've run this orphanage out of my own funds off my own back. Suddenly one paladin takes an interest and I have over 35,000 gold with which to build a new building? Ah well, it's all good, just need to speak with my architect about the extra funds and see if we can go for something with more capacity. And thank you all, of course"

  • Healea,now new resident of peltarch,can be seen sharing ale with some of the dwarven orphans(if any) and often sharing war stories with them in his now many moments of free time with no clan and no legion.

  • Council of Moradin

    ::Despite being exceptionally busy with many current issues, General Lavindo himself shows up with Quartermaster Blevins and a group of five soldiers.::

    ::many of the children recognise the hero of Peltarch and cheer. Lavindo gives a sad smile looking down upon the faces of the children.::

    "We always take care of family. There is nothing more important."

    ::He gently runs his fingers thru the hair of a little girl near the front of the crowd with a whistful look on his face::

    ::Quartermaster Blevis takes out a pair of letters and reads from the first.::

    "The Defenders have taken a month of half pay to ensure the well being of the families of those who fell. In total this is 11,350 gold. It is to be held with the Defenders office until such time as construction is started on the new building and will then be transfered directly to the firm building the new orphanage."

    ::looks up to all::

    "Blessings on all of you."

    ::Blevins gives a copy to Richard then the goup of hardened veterans turns and leaves. Several note the wet eyes of the General::

  • Sir Richard Luis, several Knights and also a number of commoners enter the commons and place in front of the caretaker lady Ocean several boxes. They open the boxes exposing numerous toys, food rations, healing kits, oilflask, torches, wood and blankets to keep the orphans warm. All those that carried the boxes shake the caretakers hand and offer her help in any way possible. Sir Richard states the rest of the supplies are in storage and will be transported to the orphanage within the next day. He also gives her several bags of coins possible in the amount of 3,000 coins. Donated by numerous individuals this will aid in the new construction of the second orphanage.

  • Legion

    Jael the chaste, having a natural gift with children, is often seen at the orphanage telling stories, and offering occasionall medical assistance.

    Resisting the temptation to proselitize amongst children, her stories are generally fables with a strong moral content.

    Kayleb the Beggar, who is usually gives whatever suplus he gains from begging to the temple, has instead decided to give to the orphanage. His meger offering is hardly enough to purchase a few lumps of coal, but it come's loaded with good intentions.