Help the orphans of peltarch

  • _Roland pays a visit to the orphanage one morning, touring the facility and inspecting the construction on its expansion. He seems pleased at the work and commends Ocean and Sir Richard on their efforts.

    He tells the children the story of Itago, a girl who saved her village in northern Rashemen by warning it of a barbarian attack, saving many lives. Afterwards, Helm appeared to her and offered to grant her one wish; she asked for a puppy to keep her company.

    Roland presents the children with their new pet. Those who see the Itago note that it is a rather unusual breed, small and quiet, with long gray hair and the tendency to pace constantly. It sleeps rarely, and then without closing its eyes. One suspects the animal will keep a close watch over the orphanage._

  • :Blevins gives a copy to Richard then the goup of hardened veterans turns and leaves.

    Richard takes the copy and is speachless after a few minutes he gets his composure and fights back a tear. He escorts the general thru the orphanage and shows him the facility. He also asks the children to make some pictures and before the General leaves. The children present the general with gifts.
    The pictures are simple mostly them with there parents before they died in front of a cottage. One picture in particualr shows great promise done by ten season old little girl((// ten year old)). It shows the generall standing on top of dead bandits waving the defenders colors.

    Sir Richard Luis thanks the general and all his men for their time and efforts. He concludes in saying "children know not politics,buerocrcy,hypocrcy, relgious devotion,pride or war. All they ask is to feel wanted and loved.We can not bring back their parents but we can feed them, help them feel wanted and love them unconditionally."

  • Ocean raises an eyebrow "Since the Civil war I've run this orphanage out of my own funds off my own back. Suddenly one paladin takes an interest and I have over 35,000 gold with which to build a new building? Ah well, it's all good, just need to speak with my architect about the extra funds and see if we can go for something with more capacity. And thank you all, of course"

  • Healea,now new resident of peltarch,can be seen sharing ale with some of the dwarven orphans(if any) and often sharing war stories with them in his now many moments of free time with no clan and no legion.

  • Council of Moradin

    ::Despite being exceptionally busy with many current issues, General Lavindo himself shows up with Quartermaster Blevins and a group of five soldiers.::

    ::many of the children recognise the hero of Peltarch and cheer. Lavindo gives a sad smile looking down upon the faces of the children.::

    "We always take care of family. There is nothing more important."

    ::He gently runs his fingers thru the hair of a little girl near the front of the crowd with a whistful look on his face::

    ::Quartermaster Blevis takes out a pair of letters and reads from the first.::

    "The Defenders have taken a month of half pay to ensure the well being of the families of those who fell. In total this is 11,350 gold. It is to be held with the Defenders office until such time as construction is started on the new building and will then be transfered directly to the firm building the new orphanage."

    ::looks up to all::

    "Blessings on all of you."

    ::Blevins gives a copy to Richard then the goup of hardened veterans turns and leaves. Several note the wet eyes of the General::

  • Sir Richard Luis, several Knights and also a number of commoners enter the commons and place in front of the caretaker lady Ocean several boxes. They open the boxes exposing numerous toys, food rations, healing kits, oilflask, torches, wood and blankets to keep the orphans warm. All those that carried the boxes shake the caretakers hand and offer her help in any way possible. Sir Richard states the rest of the supplies are in storage and will be transported to the orphanage within the next day. He also gives her several bags of coins possible in the amount of 3,000 coins. Donated by numerous individuals this will aid in the new construction of the second orphanage.

  • Legion

    Jael the chaste, having a natural gift with children, is often seen at the orphanage telling stories, and offering occasionall medical assistance.

    Resisting the temptation to proselitize amongst children, her stories are generally fables with a strong moral content.

    Kayleb the Beggar, who is usually gives whatever suplus he gains from begging to the temple, has instead decided to give to the orphanage. His meger offering is hardly enough to purchase a few lumps of coal, but it come's loaded with good intentions.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumor has it that the archdruid herself has even paid regular visits, occaisionally bringing small, soft, docile animals and equally small, easily-transported plants to show to the younger kids.

    To the older ones, she relates stories of the circle's recent and distant past, and the ancient history of the rawlinswood. Many hours over many days are spent telling of Acwell's original betrayal, and of the valiant stand by the circle and its allies at both the old circle, and the bugbear warrens. The story of the malarite, Arthro Kynigo's, and his henchmen is also told in great detail, being that Fadia herself more often than not found herself his target. She also makes a point of extending an invitation of druidic training to any who seek to follow that path.

    "Do not, for one moment, believe that this is an easy path. It is a hard life, frought with adversity, where there is both danger and hard work at every turn. However, for one wishing to gain a family, a druid circle can be just what is needed. There are few groups where the members feel such a binding personal loyalty to one another…the mission is important to us all, above all else. Any who seek to aid in that cause are allies, or, at the least, highly-valued friends. If any of you wish to learn our ways...don't hesitate to speak with me now, or whenever I come pay a visit"

    The young (or young by elven standards, at least) archdruidess then pays a visit to her oath sister, Ocean, and Lilly when available, always spending as much time as possible chatting it up amicably with each before leaving the orphanage, and the city itself.

    //we can assume that, as with belade, she fits this into her schedule while i'm not playing her…somewhere between 'tending' her husband and making the rounds in the rawlinswood 😉

  • A gnomish Wizard inventer approuches Sir Richard Luis and asks him to return to his lab. Their he explains of his need for help to find a cure for the common cold. The common cold is not fatal to adults but in the elderly and children it can lead to death. He ask because he has heard the Sir Richard luis has helped others in the past.He needs to find some spefic agents to do some experiment the agents he will be experementing is spider remains.
    Sir Richard Luis travels to Jiyyd to seek help from scouts and any others that may help . The Hin paladin Merum, druid Cike and druid wolf join. Also in the group is the lovely lady Penny Lane and lovely lady Lillian. They venture deep in to the woods to find as much spiders as they can and a wide variety.
    As they travel spider after spider decend from their webs to try to insnare the adventures. The adventures hold them at bay with their swords and bows. The further thet travel the more dangers the spiders become. At one point numerous spiders descend from the tree's ready to insnare and eat the party but with no avail. Sir Merum jumps on spider riding it like a war pony and trust his small sword thru its skull. Lady Lilllian, lady penny and cike with presion strike the spiders with their bows. The shy druid named wolf in his green armor blend in with his sourondings and surpriser a spider and slices it back, exposing the spiders guts. Sir Richard sliced one spiders leg off and then in one motion removes its head. The adventures collect the spider remains weather it be glands or eyes and hand it to Sir Richard all of them return with minor wounds but covered in green spider goo and the smell was not that pleseant.
    Sir Richard after cleaning up returns to Peltarch and turns over asorted spider remains from a various different specias of spiders. The Gnomish wizard states his thanks to him and all those that helped. He also states that he will work on finding a cure to help the elderly and the children of the city and other neighoboring towns.

  • DM

    The Magistrate on his usual rounds in the cool evening twilight, between a mountain of court cases he sees faithful of every diverse faith coming and going from one of the city's many orphanages.

    "Hmm", he remarks to himself. "The priests and priestesses of this land must be short of followers in the name of their god. I wonder if this is where the ranks of the faithful are drawn from thesedays? A multi-faith tolerant establishment? A rare sight in this city… Which faith does sponsor this particular refuge?"

    He then goes to speak to some of the ranking officers in the defenders and the guard, asking them on their recruitment policy of strong citizens without parentage who may be suitable for training. In particular he goes to speak to those sergeants and officers most active in recruitment.

    "The military life is a fine family, as a second family for those with one. And for those lacking one one's comrades in arms are like brothers and sisters beyond any normal meaning of the word. Living life by the exmple of the sword made me the man i am today"

  • Sir Richard Luis is seen asking any one he encounters for donations or even for people to spend time with the children. He has come up with a slogan of "one toy one day".
    It is heard that Kayleb the begger aprouched Sir Richard to beg for money and ended up giving Sir Richard 11 coins for the children.Even the city's begger has helped in this endevar.

  • A dark-haired man wearing a pendant with the symbol of Gond has been striding around Peltarch, personally inspecting any ongoing construction and giving pointers on engineering where he sees them required, and blessings to protect the workers from the cold weather otherwise.

  • Much candy is given to each orphan by the hin Tiggles, clad in the red and black robes of the sisterhood. As well, candy is left all over the city and within many of the homes or on the doorsteps of those her and Bryn could not find their way into (many of the guards watching in wry amusement as small socks containing candy were left).

    For the effort, Tiggles and Bryn would simply respond with "Happy Oakenbuckle day!"

  • It seems that the kobolds have become more and more aware of an attempt of Richard Luis to take their precious coals. Some people speak of kobolds trapping a group of strong and brave adventurers in a cave, slowing them with traps and shooting at them with acidic arrows. It is said that they barely escaped with their life, although some say that was due to the stupidity of the woman they had with them.

  • Ocean watches the sudden interest in the Orphanage with wry amusement considering how long she's been running it based entirely on her own funding. With the recent influx of monies from the Court Case in which Magistrate Sigerlson awarded the Orphanage 24,000 gold she is in negotiations with an architect to design and build a second building.

  • Elissa spends a lot of time there, sometimes performing funny card tricks or other amusing things. She also watches the children and hand picks a select few who she teaches some of the tricks. And generally how to handle cards to a better outcome.

  • Belade spends a couple of days at the orphanage, putting her considerable healing skill (13 points in healing) to use, and playing with the children. She tells them some stories, all of them positive, some of them about Sune. To the oldest of the children, she tells some heroic tales, some about her own exploits, about the virtues of love, honor and sacrifice. At night, she puts down her bedroll in a corner, and sleeps there, her sword in its sheath next to her. After three days, she sets out again, but promises to return next week.

    //she will be hanging out there most of the time when I'm not playing her

  • A stout dwarf named Gorin can allso be seen in and about the Orphanage, constantly puffing his pipe. He aids as best he can curing some minor colds and such. He allso tries to get a hold of Sir Richard, to hand over what gold he has for this grand cause.

  • a man in Black and green Robes can be seen at the Orphanage talking with the abandoned children, Making them promises of a better life. He tells them stories and gives them gifts. He also urges any who wish to better themselves to seek out the Dark Lord Bane and ask him for guidance.

  • Lilly frequently spends time at the orphanage, reading to the children, telling them stories and singing to them, exactly as since the orphanage was founded after the Civil War