Offensive on the Eastlanders

  • Legion

    * As general Grag was playing a game of Hide the warhamma with hsi usual women, A messenger came banging on the door* "General sir! Your help is needed while Sywyynn works on the bridge the eastlanders are attacking!" *General Grag jumped up and immediatly ran to the nars. Once at the bridge he noticed a small rabble of friends and legion members working on the bridge. Quickly checking the paramiters he found eastlanders were everywhere outnumberng the small group. It is said that he helped withstand a army of 200 eastlanders with his troops while sy and a few others worked on the bridge. After many hours and many deaths the general saw no end to this maddness and was seeing running at unatural speed towards Jiyyd grabbing any willing to arms and making a quick stop to his legion hallls… He was then seen running out of Jiyyd with a large magical sack full and smelling of keg powder....As he got back to the nars and went to assess the situation he found over 100 more troops waiting to surprise atttack them he quickly went invisible and set off to the eastlanders cave entrances... Then heard throughout the nars was .... BOOOM!....."AHHH HEY AHH the cave is caving in!" afteeer spotted he was shot at unmercily until near death as he managed to set the other kegs off at the other cave entrance up top and was seen sliding and jumping down the hill back into battle as the caves caved in in order for the bridge workers to finish their task at hand... A small victory for the defenders of a free nars was fealt as spirits were lifted as they could once again walk freely along the nars for the next few days as the eastlanders worked on their new problem..... Chants were heard byt the bridge.. HUUWAAA HUWWAAA... The general saluting his truups headed back home to work on their next plan of action....