Background story for character Mace Aslund

  • Account:Atraik Zethen
    Character:Máce Aslund

    Cleric of Kelemvor, Hunter of Undead, Preacher of Afterlife, Mace has come to Narfell to minister to the common people, and destroy whatever undead abominations he encounters. He does not fear death, for he knows it to be a natural part of life, and only the faithless, the wicked, and the false have need to fear what lies beyond the fugue plane. Teaching all who will listen of the transition to the other side, and helping the dying to take that final road peacefully, he is there to help the familys of the dead cope with their loss. Mace Aslund teaches all to honor the dead, for their strivings in life brought faerun to where it is now. To Forget them and their deeds is to forget what we are now, and why…

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