A Story

  • ..unnatural darkness spreads through a newly rented room at the Shiney coppers..

    And suddenly she awakes, eyes wide with a mix between reverence and disgust, she realises that the magehounds are coming..Velsharoons vision has warned her.

    Quickly the young fair haired priestess gathers her belongins, her staff and her books.
    She stops at the magic shop, buying some components and heads for the caves, this time she will be ready, and a determined streak crosses her face.
    They will pay for making her leave her place of tutelage.
    She curses to hierself as she wonders how they found her unlikely hidingplace of narfell's underground city, but she shrugs it off, for she knows this time will be different..
    Velsharoon is with her and the hags are a long way from home…