Farmers for the town

  • _With the druidess Fadia withdrawing her support of the town's food supply, Elorathall has stepped in with the following offer, and awaits a reply from the Jiyyd Council.

    The Valley has plenty of farmland to support itself and Jiyyd sufficiently. It only requires farmers to harvest the various foodstuffs. Several lots will be set aside for the town, should the Council take up on this offer, and if the Archdruid does not live up to her threats and burn down the valley and everyone in it._

  • ((assuming that it will be a rumor he has done this))

    Lilin expresses her opinion that the town should probably side with the Archdruidess, because of the current war with the eastlanders. The less distance the food has to travel to reach Jiyyd, the less likely it is to be intercepted and stolen. Also, since a war with the giants is quickly coming, having the druid's support would be very benefical to the town's defense