A Brief History of Zanetar Den' Kath

  • "… You will travel Eastward, bring our fury to the land, establish the Zhentarim, and we shall reign in the East as well as we shall here: as the rulers of all!"

    Thunder cackled and lightning struck in the distance as Fzoul Chembryl finished his address and some 500 hardened troops cheered outside of the Citadel of the Raven. While Zanetar would be part of a company moving to Narfell -- a company of only 25 troops -- all of these troops would move out of the Citadel the next morning, heading eastward, convinced of Zhentarim superiority, convinced that Bane would guide Fzoul, and that Fzoul would guide them to someday be the tyrants of all.

    Zanetar Den' Kath lived his childhood in the Zhentil Keep, an orphan. He managed to survive by sneaking about and stealing whatever he could. It is no great surprise to anyone that he was easily persuaded to worship Bane -- it gave him what he wanted. Power. He first began visiting the temple, conversing with the clergy, and reading texts discussing the histories of the deities (in a way that made Bane seem to be the most powerful, of course) when he was 12 years old. Six years later he joined the Zhentarim army and after his training, was stationed in the Citadel of the Raven, continuing in more advanced training for three years before his deployment.

    And so this man, at 21, found himself en route the barbarian land of Narfell surrounded by the motley crew he had someone wound up to be third in command of. Every one in their pack had their own talents that were mildly useful, but, as they would soon discover, holding their own in combat wasn't a trait in any of them. Save for Zanetar himself, perhaps.

    Soon after they broke off from the last of the other companies they had been traveling with at the end of the Bloodstone Pass, the company's commanding officer, Nilats, grew ill and weary. When they reached the Giantspire Mountains, Nilats slipped in his weariness and his forehead met a sharp rock on his trip to the ground, killing him.

    Through the Giantspires they lost many men to ambushes by hordes of kobolds. Much blood was spilled in the name of Bane, Fzoul, and the Zhentarim, but the lives of all but eight soldiers, Zanetar, and his other commanding officer, a sorcerer named Reynolts, were lost.

    Reynolts thought it wise to travel along the Icelace Lake all the way to Peltarch, and, as commander, insisted what he thought was wise be acted on. Bandits, however, ambushed them, laying waste to their already dwindled numbers.

    The next morning Zanetar awoke, stripped of all but a cloth tunic he was wearing and a dagger strapped to his ankle. Figuring the bandits had taken him for dead; he pushed his bruised and bloodied body off the ground, looked to the northeast along the coast of the lake, and saw Peltarch, waiting for him.

    He swore to himself that he would bring domination to Narfell, that the Zhentarim would rule. He lives to fulfill that promise.

  • Reviewed. Sorry we didn't get to you in time for XP prior to leveling! :oops:

  • Login name: Zanetar
    Character name: Zanetar Den' Kath

    Already past level 2, though…