Dercidious Kain

  • Dercidous Kain started his life as a simple man enjoying simple things. This all changed in a flash when one day marauders raided his small community to gather prisoners to sell on the slave market. Dercidious spent the next three years forced into gruelling slave labour and extremely poor conditions. Every day he wished to he was strong enuff to break free and exact revenge upon his captures. One night this oppertunity was presented to him. A dark figure approached him and asked "do you wish to be free, I can give you that power but at a price" Dercidious accepted the offer and awoke with almost god like strength and broke free of his chains, slayed his gaurds and ran off into night. Now in service of the dark lord, Dercidous spreads the word of his god everywere he goes.


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  • I'm bad Dercidious Kain Login name Cortezb

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