Amana staggers in.

  • The gate to jiyyd opens.
    Amana, being assited by an elf girl and escorted by a heavily armoured man, staggers in.
    His armour drenched in blood and deeply gashed. His skin the colour of his hair.
    Leaving he elf at the gate, he makes his way up to the Temple in the company of the armoured man. He declines offers of help, saying that he will be assisted at the temple.
    Those that pass close notice that his neck shows signs of ligiture burns.
    Several hours pass and the armoured man is seen leaving the Temple. The whole time the man was in town he seemed nervouse even reluctant. While his armour beared no patricualr markings, he carried the shiled of an eastlander preist.

    Rumours rise.
    Amana was attacked while alone by the eastlanders and left partialy hung on a tree.
    Amana and the elf were rescued by an armoured man, said to be a priest of Helm.

    ((much thanks to Deathcat for this event. It was both the most DM loving i have had in over a year and also the most fun i have had in ages. Such loving should never be underestimated in improving ones desire and enjoyment to narf.))

  • Arielle walked in from the hall for duty at the west gate, and Dalron headed over relaying to her the news about her mentor Amana. She looked to Uchi and frowned telling him that she needed a few minutes at the temple earlier than expected, he nodded and she made way to the Temple to tend to Amana and pray to Helm for his fast recovery. She wiped his head with a cold cloth, tending to some of the rope burn marks, among other abrasions and lacerations upon his body. Her face wore a look of sorrow and retribution and she spoke to him quietly while tending to his recovery.. "Me neva trusted dem banditses.. shaking her head and looking vengefully stern Dem eastlandas gunna pay fer dis, by Helm dey wills.."