Zyphlin Re'cual's Election Campagin

  • As Zyphlin walks through the crowd he meets Eowien, Staff Sergeant under Captain Talgrath of the Defenders. She talks to him for a short bit, congratulating him on his fine speach and ideas. She also speaks of memories they've shared on the battlefield fighting for the Jewel of the Icelace, of the Civil War and the strike force that went into the sewers and so on. She tells him that an insurance to make sure the families of the fallen are taken care of is something that should have been approved years ago and that she is glad to hear him speak of it. She ends their conversation with telling him that she supports him for Senator.

  • At Zyphlin's rally, Captain Talgrath steps up to give a brief speech

    "I'm not one for long talk, so I'll get straight to the point. I've known and fought beside Zyphlin for over a decade. He is a fine man of great integrity and I know that he won't give the Defenders the short end of the stick. I support his bid for election to the senate fully."

  • As news trickles back from the Nars Pass, it is heard that Zyphlin fought on the front lines in the recent battle, slaying a bandit champion who had broken through Defender ranks and killed several men.

  • _As training for the day lets out on the practice field Defenders, Guards, and other military units see a bit of commotion and crowd just as they are leaving their military barracks. A simple stage is set up with Zyphlin standing before it in his leather armor, smiling and talking with some of the Defenders at the front while more people gather. Finally, as it seems the crowd has grown to a decent size, he looks out over the mass of military men and women and smiles before speaking

    Thank you to all of you brave men and women who are here giving me an ear this day. I must say, while it has been an honor to speak to you and stand before you on the numerous battlefields we’ve fought upon it is much more relaxing and much less stressful doing it in the middle of Peltarch before we all go home to a nice dinner. _He pauses a moment with a grin, letting a bit of a laugh go through at the joking statement, hoping to give a feeling of a slightly relaxed and friendly atmosphere after the day of hard training. Myself, and Peltarch, can not begin to thank you enough for the hard work you all do, but I’ll be damned if I do not try. It is through your blood, sweat, and tears that myself and everyone else in this city can sit comfortably in an inn to have a drink or spend time with our family to have a relaxing dinner.

    With all this in mind, I think it needs to be a priority for any senator to see that our armed forces are at the top of our mind when they sit around their table. Right now we have some of the best leadership the military over and some of the best soldiers we’ve ever had, and I want to see this attempt for excellence to be continued. I would like to see that each and every one of you has the best equipment we can get you to face whatever problems you face. I think it is a travesty, and absolute travesty, that issues of defense and equipment for our guards sat on the senatorial table for months and years during the time of the Chesssakhan attacks because some on the Senate simply didn’t want to try and find a way to make it fit in the budget. Without you all, and the job that you do, they would not have the luxury of sitting there growing fat off your taxes and hard work while ignoring the things you need.

    I’ll tell you what also is a travesty. It is a travesty that the other day I traveled into the docks to visit a young woman by the name of Beth; a woman who now, along with her two children, is barely scrapping along enough to feed and cloth them all let alone find housing for them. You see, Beth’s husband was a defender that fell during the civil war, and was precisely the type of woman I donated my 2,000 gold I won during the Festival of the Fisherking to the families of dead soldiers. With the job market is now in Peltarch Beth could hardly find a decent enough paying job after the death of her husband. Her husband, a brave man and a hero, died for this city and in return the city has nearly destroyed his family. That is a travesty and is disrespectful and is something I never wish to see happen.

    If elected I plan on starting a system of insurance, to make sure that people like Beth and her family do not have such situations fall upon them due to the sacrifices of their brave family members. With this system in place the families of soldiers who give their life in defense of our great city will be financially stable and able to continue their life and have the chance they need to be able to regain their footing after such a terrible loss. It is my belief that you all give everything you have to us as citizens and it is only right that we return this in spades.

    So when voting day comes, I hope all of you will cast your vote not in favor of me, but in favor of respect. Respect for what you all do for this city day in and day out and respect enough to fight for you at that senatorial table. If you vote for me I promise to each and every one of you that much as I have done by your side in the past, I will fight for you in the senate just as hard as you all fight for us out on the battlefield!

    With that Zyphlin gives a thumbs up and thanks to the crowd as he moves down, looking for some of his friends in the defenders and talking with them for a bit afterwards.__

  • Oreth finds a few farmers in town, having a drink after bringing their crops to market. He settles down at their table, and asks how they're settling into their new locations. He smiles, and adds

    You know, that's not all we druids can help you folk out with. I could easily see my way to putting a blessing on your fields once a year or so, make them more bountiful. This time next harvest, you could be bringing in easily twice the crops for the same amount of work…

    Thing is, more food's gonna make for a growing city, and we druids are a bit....skittish about that sort of thing, as a general rule.

    If I'm going to help the city...and you...like that, I'll want to know that there're people up in the leadership who won't be completely daft and irresponsible. Now, there's already some good people up there, but there's some real morons too. Not naming names.

    So I guess what I'm driving at is this: I'm not going to outright say "I won't be blessing any fields if Zyphlin's not elected", but it would go a long way to making up my mind. Man's an old friend of mine, and if there's any city politician I'd feel comfortable aiding, it's him.

    In the mean time, next round's on me, aye?

  • _The theater is packed on a fine evening towards the end of a tenday as the election begins to run on its final legs. Throughout the city heralds and bards move through the streets announcing that former Magistrate Zyphlin was hosting a town hall meeting and that people were invited to come watch. Inside the familiar banner stating “For hope to Win, choose Zyphlin” hangs above the podium set on stage. Chairs with people line the lower section, semi-circling around the podium while onlookers fill up the ramparts overlooking the stage area. The room is loud as people chat and discuss the campaigns of everyone until Zyphlin walks out to applause and takes the podium. As the crowd dies down he smiles and looks out over the throng of people.

    First off, let me thank each and everyone of you coming here today and to state that it is an honor to be able to stand before you. Now, I know fully how things normally go in senatorial campaigns; one person gets up on a stage and blabbers incessantly for tendays on end as you all are simply forced to sit and listen. I don’t think that is going to get myself, you all, or this city anywhere and thus is why we’re here today…to give you all a chance to express your own voice so that you may better understand mine. Throughout the evening I will do my best to answer the questions you have to me to their fullest and to better show you how together we will bring a new era of prosperity and hope to our fair city.

    As the crowd lets forth a brief round of applause Zyphlin moves out from behind the podium, moving around in front of the crowd as the moderator of the evening moves up to one of the people in the seats. The woman stands, a lady of decent dress and middle aged. She smiles, though looks a bit nervous, as she looks up to Zyphlin and speaks her question…

    Middle Aged Woman: Mr. Re’cual, first let me say thanks for letting us speak with you today. I guess what I am wondering is…well, your recent legal troubles are well known and I was just wondering if maybe you could tell us a bit about the charges that were levied against you?

    Smiling at the question, Zyphlin nods a bit towards the end, opening his hands up welcoming in front of him. An excellent question, and no need to thank me for it is an honor to speak to you all. I’m sure many people are wondering about the recent criminal troubles I have ran into, and as they should be. It is not a coincidence now that for two straight elections I’ve suddenly had false charges brought against me. Why? It is quite simple, there are many people that don’t want to see Peltarch reach the heights it’s capable of.

    The first time was by the foul Blackguard of a dark god, a man that sadly took many good senators from us. This time it was from another group following a dark god, a good of slavery and tyrannical rule; A god whose followers have long intimidated and bullied the good folk of Peltarch in the guise of “freedom of religion” and they themselves counting a number of fugitives and convicts amongst them. These are the people that brought the charges of corruption and assault against me after my years of serving you, but what is worse, these are the types that the senate listened to and demanded that I was put under constant guard surveillance and that I was brought into court over. These are the types that the senate listened to just as I started my campaign stating how I would make sure that the senate worked for you the people and not just for their own selfish ends.

    And despite these charges and false accusations made from a group of Banite criminals with the backing of certain officials I was found not guilty on all counts. And while this tyrannical plot of the followers of Bane has stopped me from speaking to the good citizens of this city for a fair portion of the senate race it will no longer silence me! I for one do not want a city ran by Banites and I believe that you people do not want this either. So I must ask, do you wish another that would sit by and follow the whims of slave drivering criminal Banites or someone that will stand against them? Because I promise, each and every one of you, that I will not see any other person in this city have their lives thrown into a whirlwind due to false accusations from anyone trying to use the law to their own dark goals.

    The crowd lets forth with applause as Zyphlin smiles and the woman nods and thanks him before sitting down. He moves back towards the podium as the next stands up, a man barely out of his teens in a fine shirt and simple smile. The crowd quiets as he asks his question…

    Young Man: Mr. Re’cual. A hot button topic for many people this time around seems to be education, but you haven’t spoken much about it. Could you perhaps give us your views on education?

    Chuckling slightly with a grin as he begins to speak. I’m glad you asked that, as education is something near and dear to my heart. Even now, we sit within the opening chamber of the fine Peltarchan Bardic College, of which I am headmaster. For twenty years now I have taught a number of classes here, from history to music to swordsmanship, for the people of Peltarch and I have loved every minute of it. I believe that every Peltarchan that wishes a education can get one that will match the education they could find in any college in any city Faerun over. If elected, it would be my goal to continue, as I have as Headmaster, to find ways to make it possible for more citizens to take classes here and to get the education that they so rightly deserve. You see, I believe that education is the basis of our society. Whether it is education of a trade to something more worldly such as history education allows people to succeed in life at whatever they strive for. Unlike others that seemed to believe that they had to go half way across Faerun for an education, I believe that Peltarch can educate people just as good if not better then any other place. It would be my dream to see every citizen in Peltarch with the chance to learn anything their heart would desire, and I believe it’s a dream that could happen.

    The young man gives a charming smile, seeming satisfied as he sits back down. A few of his friends, teenagers as well, clapping him on the back as the moderator moves to the next hand. A man looking to be the typical dockworker stands next…

    Dockworker: You’ve been talking quite a bit but frankly many of our senators come in and nothing seems to happen. If you became a senator Mr. Re’cual, what would you like to see changed in the city?

    Well sir, I understand your distress there too as its one I’ve felt myself. We see Senate races every few years here in Peltarch yet rarely do we see much change for one reason or another. The reason for this is that while some may be charismatic or have influential ties, they lack a firmly need quality: Leadership. If I am elected I do not plan on stopping at that point, just as I never stopped striving for the best for this city once I became Magistrate. I will fight for the people of this city and for things that are needed. I will fight to see trade monopolies abolished so that all have the chances to succeed at life. I will fight to for my Peltarch Renewal Project to happen and our docks extended and renovated. I would like to see the many orphaned children left over from the war find a permanent and safe place to live while seeing those that are regulated to life on the streets have a chance to find jobs. And whether it takes me a day, three days, a tenday, a month, I will make sure that those on the senate realize that they were elected for the citizens and as such they should be there voting and passing things the citizens need!

    Applause rings out through the hall as Zyphlin makes his way back out front of the podium as the moderator heads to the next man, the dockworker grunting a bit but seeming half satisfied. Next up is a merchant, a beard somewhat disheveled upon his face but decently groomed….

    Merchant: Ya keep talking about this Dock project or Peltarch renewal thing, but what exactly is it? How is it gonna be ‘elpin me and my shop and is it going to make me be paying more in me taxes?

    Smiling, raising a finger in recognition of the question. Ah, a very good concern, but one you need not have. My plan here is really simple actually. You see, we’re going to expand and strengthen the infrastructure of Peltarch…that being the docks…and in doing such it will make everything built upon that stronger. I plan on tripling or quadrupling the current size of our docks, allowing more trade in and out of it and opening up dozens of new jobs between people building these docks and people manning them once built. Hand in hand with this, I want to see the district itself expanded with government sponsored buildings being made and sold for a fair price to allow for possible low cost housing complexes or businesses to handle the increased trade.

    Holding up his hands, pointer finger extended on both, moving them back and forth a bit in front of him as he speaks, excitement raising as he seems to be passionate about this. You see, by doing these two things together, the amount of revenue generated within the city and coming into the city will increase while the jobs created will give more and more citizens incomes to spend on things the need and in some cases even luxuries they simply want. More money in the pockets of the workers…who are increased in number themselves…means more money going into the pockets of businessmen, which in turn allow them to expand some and hire more people, thus continuing the cycle. And all of this will be started through a fund of donated money by good souls within our city that understand that the PRP is for the best possible thing we could do for this city. Already, despite some delay due to my false accusations from the banite throng, we have raised pledges totaling 50,000 gold for this with more donations coming in every day. With the help of these donations, and with the help of you fine peoples vote, we will bring in a renaissance of trade to the Jewel of the Icelake.

    The man nods a bit, seeming to understand a bit more, and states a quick bit of thanks as the applause starts before sitting. Zyphlin moves back, leaning an arm on the podium as he stands in front of it as the next person up is a younger pretty woman, speaking a bit shyly…

    Young shy girl: Hi, um, Mr. Re’cual. With all the things happening to you, it seems you haven’t stated your thoughts concerning the poor orphaned children all around the city. Could you maybe, tell us, what you think about them and how you’d fix it?

    Grins charmingly to the woman, nodding a bit as he moves some of his golden hair out from in front of his face. Well first let me say a few things on this. I want to first state how amazingly proud I am that two of our fine bards of this city were some of the first to get together and push for the help of these poor children and I think miss Ocean and Lilly should be looked upon as heroes for what they’ve done. Along with that, a man who has long been my apprentice should also be considered one, and that is Mirkali. The giving spirit of their hearts is a wondrous thing and it is something that I hope many Peltarchan’s share.

    One of the reasons for my Peltarch Renewal Project is the hope that we can get many low budget housing complexes set up in the docks, allowing a place for families that don’t have much money to still afford a roof over their head for them and their children. As far as the orphan’s that have no parents, I would push for the government to help support the orphanages within the city as well as help to set up a program to match these children with parents looking to adopt. I think if we had more families like Mariston and the new magistrate Anna Sigerlson…who through their kindness adopted an orphaned child…then this “problem” would not be happening, and it would be my hope that we find all those families that are like them but simply don’t the option is open to them.

    He gives one last warm smile to the lass as she sits, blushing a bit as her girlfriends around her giggle slightly. The moderator next moves to a hand in the back as a rather large man, possibly a guard or defender from his build and demeanor, speaks in a low voice…

    Defender man: First let me say that I fought beside you in the civil war and it was an honor to fight behind a man such as yourself that was truly risking his life when he didn’t need to simply out of his principles and good will. With that said, between the eastlanders the kobolds and the ever on the edge possible giant problems, what are your thoughts on defense for the city?

    Zyphlin seems honestly a bit humbled and embarrassed by the praise from the man. He gives a small nod of appreciation before speaking. Honestly, I thought of it an honor to be able to fight along side all the brave soldiers and volunteers in the war and believe that the job you do takes the utmost courage. Now you ask a good question, especially with the recent situations. I’ve never been afraid or a strange to defense of Peltarch. Between attacks by the Chessakhan, kobolds, eastlanders in the past, and the Thayans I have stood at the forefront of assaults dozens of times and helped to come up with plans of defense just as much. I understand the difficulties and dangers that such things present and as Senator I would seek to make sure that we do all we can to minimize the loss of life for our brave men and women. I would push for increased vigilance, benefits, and numbers for our far scouts division so that we may know of threats to the city in advance. I would see that we have guards in all areas of the city to insure that our citizens are safe, be it night or day, civic district or the docks. And I would do all I could to make sure that our defenders have the best training, equipment, and support that our city can give them. It is my hope that Peltarch will understand and see how important our armed forces are and treat them as the precious and valuable warriors they are. If it was not for those men and women, we would not be able to live the peaceful life we have in this city, and for that I believe we all should be thankful to them.

    With a gruff nod the Defender sits down quietly as the moderator makes his way back up through the applauding crowd. The next up is a finely dressed man with slicked back brown hair and noble clothes…

    Nobleman: Headmaster Re’cual, as you know while we are a wonderful city we are far from the only thing in the north. How do you like to see the Jewel in relation to the other powers, organizations, and ::with a bit of disdain:: settlements in the region?

    Since arriving in Peltarch I realized one thing, that this city had great promise. Already it is the pinnacle city of the country, yet there are problems. For one, despite our trade dominance the prices for necessities are more in this city than in almost every city around the Icelake, Damara, or the Great Dale. I think that fact is one that should never have ever occurred and must be stopped, and I firmly believe that a free trading Peltarch will fix that. I believe that good relations with the small towns to the south, such as the farming community of Jiyyd, can help in times that our food needs are strained. I believe that having good relationships with organizations such as the Divine Shield of Jiyyd to aid us against the dark forces of this world and with the Druid Circle of the Rawlinswood to aid our farmers and bless their fields are instrumental in furthering our city and would be irresponsible not to persue. I would like to see Peltarch become the Jewel of not only the Icelace Lake but the entire northwestern portion of Faerun, and I would like to see it happen not just in name but in practical matters such as the price of goods and the education of our citizens as well. If you elect me I can assure you that I will do all within my power to reach that goal, and bring the hope for a brighter future to every citizen.
    With a slight haughty look at the thought of some of the statements, the nobleman sits, smoothing out his silken clothes. People clamour and talk through the applauds as a young man with a sarcastic smirk is picked next with the moderator letting it be known this is the final question…

    Sarcastic Young Man: Well, we’ve been hearing you talk all night and you said some interesting things but frankly, I want to know what you think makes you so special compared to all those others we have to vote for?

    Chuckles as the young man looks back to his friends who are cheering him on, and gives a cunning smile of his own. Ah, this is a simple one but still, a good one none the less and a great final question. First, let me state that I have the utmost respect for most of the candidates in this election. I applaud all of them for a cleanly ran campaign that, with the exception of a few unsightly posters that I’m sure were perpetrated by simple pranksters, has been above the playing field from the start. I wish them all the best of luck and I shall be interested to see who you, the people, put into office.

    That being said, I do believe that there is something that distinguishes me from all the candidates and that is experience. There is no person in this election with the experience that I would bring to the table. I have been a public servant in a political position for twenty years and have served it well, helping out the people of Peltarch anytime I could through my connections. I have been the advisor of two great senators of this city with the late Ayanie and our brave Senator Vino and understand the senatorial process and have seen what is needed to actually get things done. While I may not have ran out and joined a military group in the past few months, I have been assisting them extensively for years upon years now. My first few years here in Peltarch were actually aiding the spearheading of a Cerulean Knights investigation into a horrible cult found beneath our streets. I have been the Headmaster of the illustrious Bardic College of Peltarch for half a dozen years now and a professor for even longer, showing my experience in the realms of education and showing my talents at leadership. It is this experience, in politics, in defense, in leadership, that sets me apart from all those in this campaign.

    So I ask all of you when it comes time for election day to remember; the people of Peltarch need and deserve a man that will work for them, that will make their voice heard, and will fight against whatever injustices that face them be it a bourgeoisie monopoly or the corrputable influences of Banites. And if you vote for me, I will take up the banner of that fight and I will let it fly high and proud until my last breath and I will promise you all that Hope will win out in the end! Thank you all for your time and may the Lady’s Smile shine down upon each and everyone of you!

    With that he throws his hands up, waving to the crowd with a smile while those in the seat stand and begin to cheer and applause. He moves through to the front row, shaking hands and thanking a them for coming before moving off to the door at the side of the stage. The moderator moves up to the pedestal, informing people that Zyphlin will be speaking more in the coming days and wishing everyone a pleasant night and thanking them once more for coming._

  • ..Rolling a coin 'tween the knuckles of his fingertips, having draped himself in a comfortable slouching position and taking two seats in the commons, the orange haired bard casts a glance over to two gossipping commoners, musing a grin at the corner of his lip..

    "I remember the hundred-or-so odd assaults held upon our City Gates; from giants, kobolds or whatever else you can imagine–in which he stood on the front lines; aiding our troops and mending our morale with song."

  • _A fair number of bards and messengers are seen going around the city talking about Zyphlin. In the taverns, they are liberal with their coin and buy free rounds as they discuss Zyphlin's campaign. Some talk about how he has finally been found innocent of all charges despite attempts to frame him by Banites and other unsavory types. Others regale listeners with tales of his heroic deeds in Narfell.

    "I still remember when he spoke to the troops in the civil war…"

    "I hear he came close to catching Koreth, too..."

    "...and remember when he helped old Bromley cure the plague?"

    "I saw him defending the temple alone when it were attacked by demons!"

    The various bards say little about other candidates, though they speak favorably of Mariston and Eowiel if they are asked._

  • Zyphlin moves out of the court room after the long trial, a smile worn on his lips and determination written across his face. He looks out to those gathered waiting for the verdict and speaks with an uplifting voice.

    Thank you to everyone here waiting to hear the results of my case, and to all those that knew that these outlandish charges were false against me; and I am proud to state that I am found not guilty on all charges!

    As you all know, before this case, there have been many accusations against me. Many people have asked if I am the sort of man who should serve on the Senate. Many people have asked who the real Zyphlin is. I will tell you.

    I am not some debtor from Hoarsgate who wants to take away your liberties and rule you under false pretenses. I am not a spoiled boy, raised as a prince in far away lands, returning here to claim his inheritance. I am not a drunken fool who claims to be a god. I am not a lackey who bows to the King of Coins.

    For twenty years, I served this city faithfully as a Magistrate, judging wisely and putting bad men in prison. Twice I was accused of crimes I did not commit: once, by the blackguard Zargothis and his servants, and a second time by Banites; both of them groups who continue to work against Peltarch, forever conspiring against us and seeking our ruin. Each time, the accusations against me were made AFTER I announced my intentions to run for Senate. Each time, the accusations were found to be completely false. In the last election, I abandoned my bid in order to face the charges against me. I will not make that mistake again.

    The stakes are too high for me to give up now. Look around you. Peltarch is the greatest power on the Icelace. We are the wealthiest city in the region, yet grain here costs five times what it does in Hoarsgate or Damara or the south of Narfell near the Great Dale. We possess the finest craftsmen and artisans in the land, yet they can barely afford the raw materials with which to ply their trade. We are surrounded by mountains of silver and gold and virgin forests, yet the price of lumber and metals is ruining our economy. We have won great wars, and yet we remain slaves in our own homes. How can we be expected to go on like this?

    It is time for change. My enemies, the enemies Peltarch, have tried to smear my good name and dissuade you from voting for me. Why? Because they fear the change that I promise to bring. They fear a stronger Peltarch. They fear hope.

    I want a strong Peltarch. A Peltarch of peace and prosperity. A Peltarch for all of us. A Peltarch of oppertunity and hope!

    It is time for change. It is time to cast aside the shackles of corruption and deceit and monopolies. It is time for free trade. It is time to give every merchant and every citizen the opportunity to be rich, if he works hard; to live in peace, if he follows the laws; to be honored, if by his deeds he brings glory to Peltarch. If elected, these are the goals I will work towards, together with like-minded colleagues on the Senate. If elected, these are the changes I will bring.

    Many of you know of my project to renew the docks, to expand the city's infrastructure and industry. Already, I am proud to say that over 50,000 gold pieces have been pledged towards this project by local merchants and investors. And we have hardly even begun to tap all of our resources.

    The opportunities are limitless, if only we have hope. It is now within our means to fundamentally change the character of our city. To open up new commercial links and expand the economy. To root out corruption. To strengthen our borders so that we can ensure peaceful and steady trade. All it takes is one thing: your vote. Choose change. Choose hope. Choose Zyphlin!

    With that he gives a bow to the crowd, a joviel grin upon his face as he moves through the throng of people and back to the Theater, for the first time in months traveling without an cadre of guards following behind.

  • With a healthy donation from the law courts of Peltarch, Ocean announces that there will soon be a second orphanage built and that the care of the orphaned children of Peltarch has been one of her main priorities sicne the Civil war when she first began to look after them.

    ///Need to get the building Toolsetted and IG, but the money is there

  • Sir Richard post a question in public to the candidate for the senate. "I have the upmost respect for those who wish to run for public office. I wish to ask an important question.
    With the war with the eastlanders the people who have been hurt the most have been the children of peltarch for their are many orphans who have lost their parents in this war. The city's orphanage is past full capacity their is no more space and their supplies are poor at best. What do you propose on doing to bring some sort of normacy to these children who have lost it all.
    I have seen the faces of these childrens and held them tight as they cry for their mothers and fathers who are no longer with us. I tell them things will get better and that their loved ones fought for the safety of the city. They where brave and courages and mommy and daddy ask them to be the same in the days to come.
    How will you deal with the issue.What they need is not a hand out but a hand up. A hand in helping them find new families that may love them and help them. How will you do this.

  • Oreth looks up at Rando's little aside, and says in a loud voice

    And if a man like Rando hates him enough to take time out of his patrols (which are funded out of your pockets, if I understand the tax system properly) to opine on his campaign, Zyph must be doing SOMETHING right, aye?

    The druid grins and laughs, and otherwise just mingles with the crowd, not commenting much until the small hooded figure speaks his poem, to which he simply adds a single "Bravo" in draconic.

  • Council of Moradin

    The crowd starts off sizable enough, but as the speech goes on more and more people stop working to come over and listen. Alot of smiles and murmors as the bard speaks and at the conclusion a great deal of clapping.

    At one point there was a bit of a disturbance as a man tried to push his way to the front. It seems he fell and a very cold bath in the lake dissuaded him from whatever it was he wanted to approach the speaker about. A couple very stocky dwarves could be seen waving to the man as he swam away.

    Those in the docks district don't seem to care about senatorial investigations or charges. It would be safe to assume most people here have spent a few days in the care of the Guard.

  • A strange figure a bit over two feet in height with a long hooded cloak that covers his entire figure, along with a scarf that wrapped around his face hiding all features except for his red eyes, is seen at times dragging a giant bucket in to public, climbing on top and singing from the top of his lungs.

    **I Ton.. y… TONY.. the.. .....HALFLING ...sssuport Massster Zssyphling yesss, becaussse...

    Z is for Zillion, the zillion things he has done for us all
    Y is for yapping, which he is too good at
    P is for people skill he likes people yesss
    H is for Hyper I not explain that one
    L is for Longjohns that always smell of lemon fresh when clean
    I is for I which he loves, he does
    N is for noses he has a nice profile yesss.

    R is for rats for he is not those
    E is for energy which he got too much of
    `is for funny breathing which he sometimes forgets when talking
    C is for chaotic, he is very
    U is for unity he bring to bard college
    A is for angry he gets when people or kob.. creatures are sad
    L is for love which he give to big stony city.**

    The strange figure gets off the bucket and trots in to the dark, despite the oddity of the song there is something strangely catchy, charming and skillful about the performance.

  • _:: at least one easily lead automoton, a young would-be knight wearing the colors of Norwick's Friar, is swayed by the former magistrate's well-scripted campaigning and begins to attend all the nobleman's conferences and announcements. He claps loudly, nodding often, his face evidence to his beaming support. ::

    :: Conversely, a band of wild young knights of the Cariboo also seem to be present at the bard's gatherings. They are generally seen carousing jovially and in a rowdy fashion and it is unclear if they support the man, or are just fond of gatherings. ::_

  • Rando on patrol with some of his men comes across one of Zyphlins speaches and listens to what he says. Once Zyphlin has finished Rando turns around to some of his men and says in a voice that can be heard to those around

    God help us if he becomes a Senator, after all he was fired as a magistrate and will probally face a trial. How can we trust someone to be a Senator if he can't be trusted to be a magistrate.

    Rando leaves with his men and continues his patrol

  • Nico Black is seen in the back of the crowd listening to the latest speech with some interest. Afterwords he simply waits till Zyphlin sees him and simply acknowledges that he was there before moving off away from the crowd.

  • Deacon is seen showing up more and more at Zyph's public speaches, despite their old fueds seemingly agreeing with him more and more.

  • _::Days later a simple stage is put up near the docks, the familiar blue banner with the silver slogan of “For HOPE to win, choose Zyphlin hanging above it. However this time no podium is present, simply stairs leading up to the simple stage. Slowly people begin to gather as Zyphlin makes his way up onto the platform. His smile is bright, his hair shining and clean, while his blue tunic shimmers in the afternoon sun. A bounce seems to be in his step and he moves upon the stage swiftly, bending down to shake hands and speak kindly to those at the front before looking out to his audience and speaking with a charming and roguish grin::

    I’m glad to see so many of you gathered here at the docks: the key to our city. I look out over the docks and I see what truly makes this city great. I see hard-working men moving shipments, merchants looking over the incoming wares, and captains telling their stories from the Icelace and beyond. I see the men and women that make this city move, and I realize that they are the foundation upon which this city is built. ::He starts off, projecting his voice like an actor does, yet leaving it at a calm and soothing tone that could be considered conversational. He moves back and forth over the stage as he talks, looking out into the audience, his stunning light blue eyes seeming to make contact with all in the audience::

    Already, we are a power within this area. We are the most prominent city in all of Narfell and the Jewel of the Icelace; a city that none other near us can touch. We have the most beautiful women that can be found anywhere near the lake… ::Moving over to a group of ladies in the crowd with a glowing smile as he speaks, reaching into his pouch and bringing out, as if by magic, three beautiful and aromatic roses, he hands one each to three ladies near the front. Standing up, he moves back towards the other side of the stage, still smiling while continuing to speak:: …while, at the same time, our brave warriors, veterans of wars against some of the most fearsome foes, are the pinnacle fighting-force in the region, and the means by which we keep our freedom and safety. Our craftsmanship is masterful, our artisans skilled, our ships swift; however, shall we stop there? ::He pauses a moment at this both in speech and movement, looking out over the populace and letting the simple question linger for but a few seconds::

    Why should we be content to remain the beacon of this small lake, the trading power of this single country, when, instead, we could become so much more? I envision a time when the name Peltarch is placed next to the great trading cities of Faerûn: Waterdeep, Westgate, Calimport, Selqaunt, and Peltarch, all in the same league. I do not state this as a lofty, impossible dream of a bard, as many might say, but as an honest and true possibility given the right leadership and commitment by the people of this great city! ::His movements become slightly increased and animated, his voice projecting louder and more crisp as the excitement of his speech builds, his charismatic voice ringing clear in the day air::

    I have stated that you, the men and women of the docks, are the true foundation on which this city is built. With this in mind, then, any hoping to build this city up must first be sure that their infrastructure is strong. Our docks are busy from sunrise to sunset, and even hours past that each and every day, but imagine how much busier they would become if it was three or four times as large. Imagine the jobs that would be generated; Artisans would look for workers to craft the new docks, and more ships would be commissioned to be built, captains will be looking for dockhands of all sorts to aid upon their vessels, and where, at one time, we saw a dozen merchants that could find goods to resell in a day’s arrival, we could see fifty or sixty buying from dozens of vessels each day. Together, we will build up the infrastructure of our city, we will solidify and strengthen its foundation_::pausing a moment, a small smile of promise on his lips and a finger extended upward, lightly holding the moment before he speaks again, voice rising up, projecting a booming, echoing bravado_…from that foundation, we shall build a greater, stronger, more prosperous Peltarch!

    We shall create a Peltarch of prosperity, of trade, and, most importantly, a Peltarch of Hope: a Peltarch that will bring opportunities to all, and that will be known Toril-over as the leading trade port of the Northeast! And it shall be all due to you, the great people of the docks, who are the true foundation upon which all of Peltarch thrives!

    ::His voice working towards a crescendo as this last part of the speech is spoken: each sentence seeming more uplifting and filled with conviction. He smiles out to the crowd, finally stopping his movement back and forth across the stage and looking out at them with determined hope present on his visage. He moves to the front of the stage, jumping down into the grouping of men and women and moves through: shaking hands and thanking them for attending as he makes his way out of the crowd.::_

  • @b5df9dc066=Wykith:

    Young teenage girls walk amongst the crowd after the speech, asking seemingly innocent questions to those present.

    After doing his part to help advance the ire against Re'caul in these young ladies, Pernicious Den 'Kath is not at all hesitant to advance himself upon them.