Assassination of a potential informant ((and nerf request))

  • [pete can be seen grumbling in the Regal Whore Inn about a recent event]

    As a group gathered around a potential eastlander defector/informant, the group unable to decide on how to protect/"keep alive"/question with skepticism this individual.

    At this time two separate attacks on this womans life from other eastlanders were attempted. The first being one we all would recognize carrying a nice mace and corrupted shield.

    The second attack was a stealthy assassin that fell the lady in one stabbing, before being killed by the gathered group.

    the lesson to be learned. get to safety then talk.
    [paid for a room and dragged his body up to a bed]


    the actual events included the Eastlander Officer assassin killing Demi Arkania Rei Candii immediately after killing the informant, in 2 Death attack blows, maybe 3, The DM running the event, cleaned up Demi's death as they didn't intend the assassin to auto-target her.

    However, this further spells out a problem in terms of game balance. This is not the first time that one of the "bandit assassins" have killed as quickly as IGMS does.

    There were numerous PC's that were actively watching for more attacks (and not engaged in conversation), that were unable to see this cruise missile of an attack.

    I formally request that this NPC be nerfed in some form from its current state.

    //END OOC

  • ((eastlander sneaks are only dangerous if they catch you off guard, also, they give a very generouse sum of xp, even at lvl 11 i got xp from one while i was in a party of high lvls, not to mention they have loot that every rogue on the server wants. . so i see no reason why they should be nerfed))