Apparition in the commons.

  • _An apparition was said to have appeared within the commons, fading in and out of sight it spoke a few words to the Lord and Lady Ashald, Lord Shannon D'Arneau, the Defender Eowien and Sir Richard.

    Its pleas for help moved the group into action as they followed the creature to the Giantspires. They were gone for several days and Lord Aarron speaks of travelling up the coast of the lake to a deserted town. They were set upon by large wolves and undead. He looks a bit worried as he recites the tale for whoever wishes to hear. Seemingly quite bothered by what has happened in the past few days. He can be seen shaking his head and heard muttering Loviater throughout the tale.

    He makes sure people know that all fell before thier swords and they returned to the city in good spirits and unharmed except a few bruises and cuts. Aarron has been seen planning for another trip and is buying large amounts of supplies in preperation for it. If asked any further about it he simply states that someone needs thier help still and he intends on giving it when the time comes. He also makes sure to assure people that the apparition is of no harm to anyone that he has seen and any who see it should find him or the Lady Arien.

    After he speaks with several people about it he walks off exhausted towards the walls of the city over-looking the pass._

    ((thanks for the great event Evendur, cant wait for the next part :))

  • Once again an intrepid group returns from the foothills, this time apparently harrowed by the experience. They can be seen in the marketplace discussing the fate of a particular nine-tailed whip that looks somewhat frightening to the average passerby.

  • Hearing this news Nyda seeks Aarron out to confer. She is sure he will wish to speak with her on the matter…

  • As Sir Richard hears the story of their encounter with this apperition. He adds of how masterfully wise was Sir Shannon and lady Ashald in skillyfully using their wit in breaking some of the traps and obastacle's placed by these Loviatar's followers.He also adds how galliantly lady Eowien and sir Aaron Ashald fought. His last remark was that the group was formed at the moment but worked superbly together, aiding and protecting each other.

    ((//thanks great event))