The first major battle of the war

  • word comes into the city of the first major battle of the war

    _It is said a battle took place near the bridge half way between Peltarch and Jiyyd.

    The eastlander came out on the field in force to meet the on coming Army of Peltarch Defenders, nobles and citizens of Peltarch. Many troops of the Legion , citizens of the other towns and villages.

    The over all army was commanded by Sergeant Rando of the defenders with join command with Major Theaon and Mog of the legion. The battle raged over the bridge, the bridge was well fortified and no pass was abled to be made over it. The Army found another route through by met with stiff resistance by the eastlander army. The eastlander army was over run and all those who would not surrender were slain were they stood, the order from the commander was no mercy was to be shown.

    Seeing as a direct assault on the eastlander base would envolve heavy loses on the army and Rando receiving orders from the city to hold his current position.

    At this time they have dug in at a position south west of the bridge, making sure the eastlanders are not able to break to the south._

    (post what you saw if you were there)

  • Talgrath is often seen at the front lines, barking orders and shouting battlecries.

  • DM

    Following an unusual trap discovered by one of the defenders, the kegs used by Rando of the Defenders and the shaking of the delicate boobytrapped bridge by a summoned elemental the nearest bridge to the eastlander gates was wrecked and eventually is found floating and broken in the river, burnt and its mechansim destroyed.

    • That way is now impassable, and the narrow dangerous passes across the other side of the pass must be used to access that bridge from the south.

    • (Feel free to contact any online DM for solutions to this wrecked bridge, as this part of the river is too deep to cross by foot).

  • Council of Moradin

    Seeing that the hill defense had dwindled down to 3 people, Captain Galuisen remanded the order and sent those remaining home to rest for the more substantial attack to come later. Be ready when the call comes.

  • ::chuckles::

    Mog then makes it known that Mog and Lord Ashald were given joint command of the hill.

  • Although none fell in the battle, many were wounded. Aarron can be seen on the hill in the pass tending to the wounded and keeping a look out over the pass as they wait for Defenders to come and reinforce them. He refuses to leave the hill until the arrivial of the Defenders. Instead he makes camp and settles down for a rest, offering prayers to Siamorphe to watch over his countrymen in the upcoming war.

  • Lord and Lady Ashald battled the day away along with Dentias Flomegine of Spellweaver Keep. After rando departed, it is said that Lord Aarron Ashald held command of the hill and was a true noble in all aspects of the word. The mages of Spellweaver, Lady Arien Ashald and Dentias Flomeigne were said to provide effective bombardment and magical assistance.