Eastlander Hostilities

  • DM

    :: After various skirmishes in the nars pass with scouting elements of the eastlander forces the result was an escalating battle, as mobile elements of each side engaged throughout the pass - the bridge now bisecting the land closest to the bandit gate is impassable eventually found broken and burnt floating in the river until a new bridge is erected noone will be passing that way through the nars ::

    • Feel free to contact any ONLINE DM for actions to rectify or in response to this problem -

  • ((nice consonance scutum))

    Scut: ((I love a little allitteration.))

  • With a giggle and a whoosh, a miniature master monk speeds up and down the pass tearing into formations of bandits and ripping them limb from limb. She meets a Knight from Peltarch named Shannon and the two fight together against wave after wave of Marauders that pour out of their spider-holes and out their gate into the pass, including infantry, cutpurses, faithful, archers, officers, channelers, an evoker, two steel guardians and a brief appearance by Chief Garrick.

    The liliputian leg-whipper and large lancer leave the land littered with lifeless lily-livered looters.

    With a wave, a smile, and a colorful gesture, the petite pugilist prances through the pass to pound other purple people plunderers.

  • Soon after the horrible display of eastlander treachery and the recent attempt at the life of Sir Amana Cold, High Priest of Helm, a helmed knightly figure donning an Helmite amulet visible about the breastplate of her blood covered armor is seen about the temple area posting a notice in fine penmanship which reads:

    "Retribution and Justice will be reckoned! Followers of Helm unite against the fallen eastlanders that have accosted and murdered our bretheren and having brutally and disrespectfully assaulted the High Priest! War has been declared, take up your arms, Knights of Helm! For the reckoning will be great and terrible, Lord Helm will have his resolve!"

    The notice bearing the seal of Helm pressed in wax, being pinned clearly with an eastlander dagger, no doubt from one of the many recently fallen eastlanders. These notes seem to be all about the commonwealth, all brandished and pinned in exact fashion.

  • word comes into the city of the first major battle of the war

    _It is said a battle took place near the bridge half way between Peltarch and Jiyyd.

    The eastlander came out on the field in force to meet the on coming Army of Peltarch Defenders, nobles and citizens of Peltarch. Many troops of the Legion , citizens of the other towns and villages.

    The over all army was commanded by Sergeant Rando of the defenders with join command with Major Theaon and Mog of the legion. The battle raged over the bridge, the bridge was well fortified and no pass was abled to be made over it. The Army found another route through by met with stiff resistance by the eastlander army. The eastlander army was over run and all those who would not surrender were slain were they stood, the order from the commander was no mercy was to be shown.

    Seeing as a direct assault on the eastlander base would envolve heavy loses on the army and Rando receiving orders from the city to hold his current position.

    At this time they have dug in at a position south west of the bridge, making sure the eastlanders are not able to break to the south._