Emoting Language Tips

  • Thanks to all of you for helping people like me out lol :lol:

  • http://www.m-w.com/

    Try here, a handy shortcut to have.

  • lots of smiles ..though most of them use adjectives

    There are wry smiles, half-hearted smiles*, Lopsided smiles simpering smiles, wistful smiles, mischievous smiles, malicious smiles….etc ,....you get the idea 😄

    I guess a simper..is the only other one I can think of without an adjective.

    simpers works on it's own

  • What about different kinds of smiles? Smiles, grins, smirks, beams, but are there any other which I could use without adding adjectives? I have a character who smiles quite a lot, and I'm getting tired of using the same ol' smiles constantly. :twisted:

  • edit: I should've remembered to read the first page as well 🙂
    my bad

  • Very useful :!:
    Thank you all 🙂

  • Sucking on her finger in an erotic way… :roll:

  • I once tried to rp a female char sucking on her finger in an erotic way, but then found out the other guy tought she was making crunching sounds with her food and making clear to him that she didn't have any manners. And then I found out we both speak dutch, so the problem was quickly solved 😄

  • This actually came up once, so I'm going to point it out:

    Shin - The portion of your leg that is between your knee and your foot.

    I stabbed someone in the shin once and they thought I'd been trying to gut them… and I only found out that the guy didn't actually know where I was stabbing him till after the situation was over. I did wonder why the half-orc with 16 con fell over when he got kicked in the shin by a halfling...

  • Sadness

    ::Cries:: makes tears to fall from the eyes

    I have listed the others in terms of what I think is their intensity

    ::sniffles:: short nasal intakes of air usually at the beginning or end of a crying event

    ::snivels:: something akin to sniffling often indicating subservience or fear

    ::whimpers:: slightly more intense snivelling more usually indicating fear or pain

    ::blubbers:: crying with regular short spaced intakes of breath

    ::weeps:: usually used for sadness at a loss..often with the face covered by hands

    ::sobs:: weeping accompanied by short stops as breath is intaken sharply

    ::wails:: uncontrollable sobbing accompanied by agonized "whaaaaa" sounds

    ::bawls:: a long drawn out "whaaaaa" usually before subsiding into sobbing or wailing

  • It would be great too if one or more of the native speakers could make an addendum to this list to explain the most common context for each of these.

  • @fb937fa5fc=Cyronus:

    Adjectives/Adverbs coming soon :nod:.

    Ok, ok.. I'll add some evil ones for starters:

    Malicious - Having the nature of or resulting from malice; deliberately harmful; spiteful: malicious gossip

    mischievous - naughtily or annoyingly playful

    vicious - Having the nature of vice; evil, immoral, or depraved.

    chill - Characterized by coolness of manner, feeling, etc.; lacking enthusiasm or warmth; formal; distant; as, a chill reception.

    cold - Not affectionate or friendly; aloof: a cold person; a cold nod

    spiteful - showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite

    disapproving - To refuse to approve; reject.

    And thank you all for the good response.

  • blinks closing and immediately reopening (the eyes or an eye), usually involuntarily

  • Arches a brow - raising a eyebrow, typicially with interest or scrutiny

    Waggles his brows - Moving your eyebrows up and down quickly, this is tend to be done by foolish fat multicolored gnomes

    Wink - almong other things can tend to give show jest after a statement

  • folds arms or crosses arms Cross your arms across your chest.

    winks Close one eye then open it - it can mean many things…

    smiles playfully smiles brightly half-smile charming smile etc. etc. showing you can use an adverb/adjective on the action to make it more specific..

  • Thankyou Cyronus.

  • cackle, chortle, crow, exult, guffaw, hee-haw, laugh, smile, snicker, snigger, sniggle, tehee, titter, frown, moue, mouth, mouthing, mug, scowl, smirk, sneer, wry face, guffaw, hee-haw, howl, roar, scream, shout, shriek, simper, snort, split, whizgigging, whoop, fleer, flout, gibe, gird, grin, jeer, jest, lampoon, laugh at, leer, mock, put down, quip at, rally, rank out, ridicule, satirize, scoff, scorn, slam, slight, sneeze at, sniff at, swipe, taunt, travesty, twit, underrate.

    All I could think of right now.. 😛

    fidget is my favourit

  • Fiddle (with)
    to make restless or aimless movements with the hands

    to utter (complaints) in a nagging or discontented way
    to make low dull rumbling sounds

    to have trouble or fail in breathing, swallowing, or speaking

  • You've got gaze in twice…. 😉

    Other Laughs

    ::snort:: a short nasal barking laugh often used in derision
    ::chortle:: a soft rather deep laugh - think santa claus's ho-ho-ho
    ::snigger:: a british snicker
    ::guffaws:: an uncontrollable bout of laughter
    ::Titters :: an almost childlike snicker

  • Updated with the contributions from Kerby and Darc + some new words. Adjectives/Adverbs coming soon :nod:. And a plea to all you power-emoters out there. It would be great if you could provide some good tips. 🙂