Loyalty Oath

  • I, the undersigned, do solemnly swear my Loyalty to the City of Peltarch and its bloodline. In this binding oath I attest to the following:

    – That I will uphold all the laws and Constitution of Peltarch

    -- That I will remain loyal to the government of Peltarch.

    -- That I break all ties with secular and religious organizations swearing fealty to the state of Peltarch alone.

    -- That no power, divine or terrestrial holds sway over my mind or body, nor do I hold their interests above those of my city. In this I include all ties to churches, secret societies, guilds, trade and crafting unions,

    -- That I will protect the City and its people against all transgressors.

    -- That I will not mingle nor conspire with foriegn interests.

    -- That I will stay vigilent against all enemies of the state.

    -- That I will report any Un-Peltarchian activities to the proper authorities.

    -- All those contracted to do work for the government and those who hold office should undergo a loyalty investigation and sign this oath.

  • Oreth sits in the commons, head leaned back against the rail behind the bench, watching the clouds through the spires of the city. As rumors of this new royalty and his oaths reach him, the druid raises his head a bit, and rolls his eyes

    Yes, because it's not as though this city would still be starving if it weren't for a circle of "Disloyalist" Druids from "Enemy" territory.

    Where the hells did this man learn politics? "Us and Them Scare Tactics for Beginners"? I'm just a tree-hugging wilderness-boy, I'm told, and I could come up with better than that….

    He shakes his head, then reclines it again, sinking back into semi-sleep while watching the clouds. After a moment, he looks up again

    …And no, that's not a declaration of candidacy. I'm not that crazy.

  • Council of Moradin


    ((are these official Peltarch Guards standing by the new postings?))


  • Elissa approaches Tidus, her usual warm smile on her face and asks him when he would have time for a proper interview as she's doing with all candidates. She also compliments him for the fine oath, commenting that she herself already serves Beshaba and thus can only indirectly aid the people of Peltarch.

  • It is said Anna Sigerlson has been seen about the city quite often of late in armor which is a change as she hasn't been seen in armor in some time.

  • Defender Cleric Private and Divine Shield Knight Shannon D'Arneau can be seen running rounds with the Magistrate's scribes on occassion, looking over the crowd and passerby with an odd skepticism in his gaze.

  • After watching the second of his speeches Zyphlin's face is rather dark

    Looks like this man made my choice for me…

    He was seen moving into the theater, his door to his office locked for some time

  • DM

    The Magistrate has legal assistants quietly record for the legal records each of the speaches of this figure, and has them carefully note down. He asks a member of the Divime Shield, or Loyal Defender Cleric if any are available to stand by these scribes to prevent any interference as they do their duty recording most prominently the demands to sever holy vows and commitments to respected faiths. He asks the attendant faithful of the defenders or the shield to sign for the authenticity of each scribes writing in the name of their faith.

    He is often seen in conversation with Lady Anna Sigerlson, or his good friend High Priestess (Private) Eowien Amasheren of the Defenders over the next few days.

    He is also seen entering the temple off Tyr more often than usual.

  • Tidus returns to the commons a few hours after the incident of the removal (though because their return seems unresolved I'd say before the 'guards' are posted):

    "Friends! Peltarchians! Fellow Patriots!

    Already the nefarious invisible army of Disloyalists move against Peltarch's favored son. Who knew the towns own magistrate would align with the enemy? How deep does the corruption in our government go when those we put in place to uphold the law are attacking common citizens? Hasn't some law been broken when simple election signs are defaced?

    Surely the Loyalty Oaths are in no way dangerous? Surely the magistrate has nothing to fear from these oaths… unless he refuses to sign one himself and thereby expose himself as a Disloyalist!

    The answers are clear, my fellow citizens and now we have proof! The Disloyalists, obviously afraid of my election and their explusion, have been forced to show their hand."

  • ((are these official Peltarch Guards standing by the new postings?))

  • Legion


  • Council of Moradin

    Not long after new signs are posted and have a guard standing by each.

  • DM

    :: The signs are taken down on the orders of the magistrate and he accompanys the guard about the city to ensure they are taken down. and for now the magistrate asks the guard to find the person or persons posting and to desist this activity, and to report to him immediately, failure to do so will result in a warrent for their arrest being issued ::

    "Whoever is posting these messages do not represent the city, nor hold any rightful civic authority" - The Magistrate is heard to remark to anyone watching.

  • The signs appear hanging all over the city. They are all signed by Tidus Clodpin.