The Election Campaign of Eowiel Senella

  • A song begins to quickly circulate the city, the tune already very familiar, though the words are rather notably different to the previous rendition…Eowiel herself can be heard humming it on occasion herself, though it is perfectly possible she is humming to the old words...isn't it?

    Here ye folks, come one and all, of a rich man this bard sings..
    Everyman should show their mirth, at the vanity he brings.
    Its time for every man and wife, each boy and girl be called,
    So they can hear the foibles of a man named Rath Ashald.
    Always drunk, always bored, his leadership ain't strong.
    So listen clear, and loath ye well, the subject of this song.
    Never once has Peltarch seen as lecherous a man as he,
    Always in the dock whorehouse, such generosity!
    Keep well the knowledge of this song, be always ye appalled.
    Everything turns sordid when its done by Rath Ashald.

  • The Following Posters of the now well known greasy looking old miser begin to appear all over the City, usually next to simpler posters with the slogan "Vote Change, Vote Senella" on them, as Eowiel heightens her Campaign Activities…

  • "The current Orphanage Administrator Ocean Fyne is doing an excellent job, there is already extensive planning on a new orphanage to be build which is magnificently over financed and the Defenders are taking in many orphans who are of an age to begin training for a future career there. The situation for orphans in this city is fast improving, however if there is anything I could possibly do to aid them further I have informed Miss Ocean to tell me and I shall do my very utmost. I already teach an elven class for the disadvantaged children of the city and have done so for decades, many of them happen to be orphans. One need not be in the running for election to aid these children, as you and General Lavindo have shown."

  • Sir Richard post a question in public to the candidate for the senate. "I have the upmost respect for those who wish to run for public office. I wish to ask an important question.
    With the war with the eastlanders the people who have been hurt the most have been the children of peltarch for their are many orphans who have lost their parents in this war. The city's orphanage is past full capacity their is no more space and their supplies are poor at best. What do you propose on doing to bring some sort of normacy to these children who have lost it all.
    I have seen the faces of these childrens and held them tight as they cry for their mothers and fathers who are no longer with us. I tell them things will get better and that their loved ones fought for the safety of the city. They where brave and courages and mommy and daddy ask them to be the same in the days to come.
    How will you deal with the issue.What they need is not a hand out but a hand up. A hand in helping them find new families that may love them and help them. How will you do this.

  • Posters and heralds spread word quickly through the city about an upcomming Parade to be organised by Eowiel, which promises to be an entertaining day out for all citizens. It has three different starting times, each district being treated to a separate parade. On the day of the parades the stands Eowiel has erected in the Docks and Commerce districts to give out food dispense fare of a more luxurious variety and a generous supply of ale to get the festival atmosphere started. Eowiel herself is marching in all three parades, smiling and waving to people as well as touching up a few of the presdigations from time to time.

    As the day rolls around the festivities begin in the Commerce District with a series of spectacular and probably gnomish fireworks heralding the beginning of the Parade. A long procession of men marching along in respendant red and white uniforms, capes blowing slightly in the brisk wind, carrying all manner of banners and placards. Many depict the traditional Red Anchor emblem and one group of marchers holds aloft a massive brightly glowing Red Anchor, trailing white sparks after it, an impressive living version of the well known Wavebreaker Flag. Yet another notable group carries a large poster between them depicting the slaying of an ugly Eastlander wearing a crown, clearly recognisable as their infamous leader Atol, by none other than Kaster Lavindo, wearing his traditional military armour. Another group of people bear a poster dedicated to General Devin Telan, his hardened face with the words "Never Forget" beneath him. Many others show images of kobolds in various levels of hillarity being crushed by Peltarch Defenders in various degrees of heroism. One group holds a massive banner which seems to be difficult to read at first, but it is not long before it is clear that upon it is witten a list of those brave warriors who fell defending Peltarch in the Civil War and it goes on to list names lost in the current conflicts too. Many other groups bear banners with similar slogans as the ones adorning the streets of the districts, and many urging everyone to exercise their vote for Change. The final group to pass by in the Parade in the Commerce district is holding a poster depicting an sly, greasy looking old man, seated upon a golden throne atop a mountain of coins. Below the picture is written "The King of Coins; should this monach reign in Peltarch? Vote for Senators not vassals!"

    A short while after the Commerce district's parade ends it begins in the Docks District, the number of marchers increased. There is alot more music and drumming and presdigated amusements. Many people in the Parade are throwing out to the crowd boiled sweets and other things favoured as treasures by the city's young. The same heraldry and splendour is used as in the Commerce Parade, however there are some key differences. On many posters are written in huge lettering "PRICE OF GRAIN: Damara: One Gold/Bushel. Rasheman: One Gold/Bushel. Southern Narfell: One Gold/Bushel. Peltarch: FIVE GOLD/BUSHEL"
    Again, many groups carry banners with slogans adorning the streets of the district. There are more posters of the King of Coins in this parade, showing him in various levels of Avarice, one poster showing his golden throne being carried through what (aside from him and his throne) is a typical image of the destitutes and starving in the docks, the parade passing quite near the street that was the source of the image. Beneath each picture is written such damning slogans as "His Crown, your suffering!"
    One gigantic poster near the end of the Parade shows a scene that still haunts many citizen's memories; a fleet of ships with obvious Seafarer Flags sailing away from a burning city and away from other dark ships attacking it. On one of the more prominent Seafarer Ships is the King of Coins, looking in worry into a cargo hold overflowing with gold. Beneath the whole masterpiece is a slogan **"Content to rule, but never to serve, but PELTARCH is NOT content with THIS! Vote for CHANGE!"

    After another break the parade begins in the Civic District barely in time to evade dusk. This parade has a marching band, a few rather enthusiastic acrobats flipping up and down along the parade impressively and once again banners and posters reflecting the ones adorning the streets. In this parade the first prominent and massive poster is immediately familiar as the one recently circulating which presents Mariston as Korreth. Over the image is a huge question mark and directly next to it there is a poster depicting a slightly confused and foppish looking Rath Ashald shaking hands with the golden Koreth himself, with the caption underneath saying
    "Who backed the Crusader every step of his way? The Ashalds. Who abandoned the fight against him? The Ashalds. Who did NOT? Mariston Thel!"
    Another huge poster shows three figures, grandly illustrated looking out benignly at the crowds, clearly recognisable as the late Senators Ayanie, Shana Je'laan and Myrie Makare. Underneath is written "Remember the last of the People's Politicians…vote for another, vote for Eowiel!"
    There are still images of the King of Coins and many of him turning his back on various Coats of Arms, all representing various families living in the district. Slogans such as "One way deals are merely servitude!" and the same "Content to rule, but never to serve!" are underwritten.
    The final poster is massive and depicts a pair of interesting and expertly drawn images; The Senate Table with Nine Senators seated, the three new ones with hoods covering their faces but their cloaks bear the Red Anchor emblems, the other Senators are smiling (even Evendur!) save for Rath and Torin, who look edgy and scared. Gelon is softly applauding. Beneath the Senate picture the King of Coins is being teased by a group of Peltarchans, merchants, commoners, nobles, some children, who are tossing his crown back and forth between them while he is in the middle of running back and forth in a futile rage. The people are all laughing and smiling happily. The Caption is simple for this magnificently illustrated painting; Vote for this.
    The parade ends with more gnomish fireworks lighting up the coming dusk incredibly.**

  • Mog has been seen cheering Eowiel on of late and bringing some of his own supporters to Eowiel events

  • Overnight a series of wooden stands appear accross the Docks and Commerce districts, four in each, the next morning as people start bustling into the districts for work it seems the stands are each manned by two men and are giving out food to anyone who desires it. From the hungry, to the workers who want a more hefty feed at lunch time, everyone is welcome, there are large banners accross the tops of the stands, with the usual Red Anchor symbols adorning them. They're there every day, restocked with food and ready to attend to anyone who wants it. Eowiel herself can very often be seen at various stands, talking cheerily to people and making sure everything is going smoothly.

    "Line up here and feed yourselves for today…Vote Eowiel Senella and feed yourselves for LIFE!"

  • Council of Moradin

    Many people can be heard speaking of Eoweil lately. Seems her speaking ability and personality are sinking into the populous. Some still grumble as to her recent legal troubles, but many seem satisfied with the subsequent trial and dismissal of charges.

  • Word spreads quickly that Eowiel Senella has challenged the Lord Aarron Ashald to a Public Election Debate as part of her campaign. The event promises to be very high profile, invitations are sent to all the Senators, Guild Leaders, Nobles, Election Candidates, military leaders, Magistrates and beaurocrats. It will take place in the Peltarch Theatre and it is rumoured that Senior Senator Delvin Gelon will be the Guest Chairperson, it is further announced that standing room will be available, also without charge, to the general public who wish to attend. Refreshments will also be provided. Details on a date and time are being arranged and will be announced once finalised.

  • Eowiel appears in the Docks district for a highly advertised rally, a few stout fellows helping her set up a stand on which to speak from as well as perhaps looking around for any trouble. The short elf looks around smiling, before raising her voice accross the people assembled.

    Peltarch! I stand before you to make a PROMISE! For years now, decades even, those in power have looked away. The City you know, where getting bread onto your tables is a difficulty, where working day and night until your back is close to breaking does NOTHING to get you out of the constant struggle to support your families, this is YOUR city.

    The Seafarers Guild have been an upstanding employer in this city for countless generations, and Vaster Ashald assures us this employment has brought the Docks more prosperity than any alternative. I ask you, does this assurance provide you with enough FOOD? Does it make your life EASIER? Does it keep the CHILL out at night? Does it stay the TEARS of your hungry children? The answer is no…it does none of this. And none of those things is too much to ask for, not one bit of it is too much to expect from this city, this Jewel of the Icelace.

    The price of grain is more than DOUBLE what it is anywhere else in the entire region! And who, I ask, is the one laughing all the way to the bank? Who is the one standing on your straining backs? Whose greed can be SEEN behind every child's tearful eyes? Whose mark lies upon every empty dinner table? Whose sword rises out of the sea of your anguish? We all know the answer. But it is time we stopped ACCEPTING the answer! The RIGHT answer should be NOBODY! Nobody should do this!

    So what is my promise to you all? I promise, I will NOT tolerate this exploitation any longer! I will NOT turn my head! The time has COME, People of Peltarch, to fight the GOOD fight! I swear I shall not REST until the monster standing atop your misery is TOPPLED! Together we CAN and WILL bring good times BACK to Peltarch! Together we can set things RIGHT! With all of you, I will strive to bring about a Peltarch where success NEVER comes at the cost of the commonfolk! You are being SCREWED, plain and simple! I need not use fancy words to get that point accross, for it is a FACT of life! There are those of you who are worried, but cast it aside, all you need use is your vote for me, then I will take up the burden. I WILL bring change, or die trying. And I don't die easily, my friends!

  • Banners are hung up from rooftops accross streets broad and narrow, straight and winding displaying colourful slogans to the people passing by underneath as they go about their day to day business. Low enough to be easily seen and high enough to be difficult to vandalise, they crop up with impressive abruptness. The slogans on each banner are flanked by an image of a Red Anchor upon a Field of White…

    In the Docks…





    In the Civics District…

    "Is the status quo enough for you? Peltarch deserves MORE! VOTE SENELLA FOR MORE!"

    "The bigger they are the harder they fall…vote Senella to stand and laugh!"

    "Ongoing stagnation, or a new direction? Vote where you see your heart, not your creditors!"

    In the Commerce District…





  • Yet another high profile rally sees Eowiel addressing those gathered in plain, warm looking robes, her voice ringing crisply over the listeners.

    People of Peltarch, how do you fare? Do you feel the chill at night? Do you feel hunger's cold grip tightening upon you? I know you do. I know you fear for your children's next meal, I know you toil day and night to provide it! I know you have done this…for decades. But we ALL know this! Everyone can SEE how you FARE! The problem is they all see and do NOTHING! You know this, for it is your LIFE!

    It need be your life NO LONGER! I SEE how you FARE under the grim shadow of poverty, I see the grain going to and fro, I see the coins falling into the avaricious coffers, but I do not STAND for it!
    I SEE how trade FARES in this city and I have been appalled by it for DECADES! I will not ABIDE the sight anymore! But my revulsion alone is not enough! The weight of suffering has blinded you, the People of Peltarch, to the grand prospect of CHANGE!

    I say change is a REAILITY! I say change is COMING! I say it is time for WAVES of revulsion to BREAK the history of oppression that is STARVING your families! I say it is time for EVERY citizen to make this change HAPPEN! I can see a Senate FOR the PEOPLE after this election! A Senate who will CEASE tolerating the manyfold hardships and injustices endured by those they are supposed to SERVE! You WILL see this Senate too, you WILL feel the WAVES of Change BREAK upon the beaches of HOPE!

    All YOU need do is VOTE! Vote for CHANGE! Vote against HISTORY! Vote against HUNGER! Against Avarice! NOW is the time, People of Peltarch, NOW is the time to use the POWER you have! And it is an AWESOME power, let not decades of not using it decieve you, let not the oppressors decieve you, you HAVE the power to FORCE Change! You can CRAFT a new HOPE for your sons, your daughters and YOURSELVES! All you need do is exercise your VOTE! Exercise it for CHANGE! Exercise it for SENELLA!

    Eowiel stretches her arms out to the people at the plea, before stepping down into the listeners.

  • A second, equally publicised rally is held not long after the Declaration of War is made, Eowiel once more stands in the commons, fully decked out in her formal military regalia, presdigating her voice across the commons to those gathered.

    People of Peltarch, WAR has reared its ugly head! Under the guidance of General Lavindo, Peltarch has taken the fight to the enemy, the vicious Eastlander Banditry Forces! But that is not ENOUGH! While General Lavindo is performing excellently against this foe, even in this early stage, the Eastlanders have the forces of ATTRITTION on their side! There is no question as to the superior tactical abilities of our forces, but the Eastlanders have powerful mages and vast resources and Peltarch will SUFFER in a longterm conflict!

    What should be DONE to preserve the safety and stability of our citizenry in this forboding conflict? It is nessescary to move the battle to the homelands of the foe, as they have for so long done to US! It is time to show them THEIR home can be threatened, to RETURN the FEAR they have tried to imbue in OUR people and to make their continued existence a PLIGHT for their leadership!

    Quick and decisive strikes at their HEART, only these can overcome the advantage of their resources, for if they are not KEPT on the defensive, then they will retaliate with MASSIVE offensive power against our fair city! The last time their full offensive weight was levied against us was during the Thavian Troubles, when it was the decision of their FIENDISH leader alone that kept our City from being breached! They must not be provided with the oppertunity to mobilise this kind of force AGAIN!

    A Vote for Senella is a vote for LETHALLY offensive policies against our foes, policies of TOTAL extermination and TOTAL security of OUR City, OUR Lands and OUR People!

  • DM

    The Magistrate Barrim stands to listen to Eowiel's speech, and offers a word of approval to her that she is not dead as folk were heard to say.

    He indicates to the guard the man glorifying destruction and violence and directs the guard to take the mans name and throw him in a cell for a night for disturbing the peace.

    He seems pleased at mention of her desire for strength and vigilance, and remarks after the speech is over… "Helm or the Red Knight themselves would be pleased at such sentiments"

  • Somewhere in the crowd, a young man shouts:
    "Yes! Violence! War! Death! Fire! Destruction! Huzzah!"

  • A highly publicised Rally is advertised by fliers and criers all over the city; Eowiel stands on the dias in the commerce district dressed in her formal blue and silver military uniform, her voice presdigated clearly around the area.

    People of Peltarch, these elections come at a crucial time for us! A time of uncertainty! We have recovered from the villainy wrought on us by the Rebel Dogs led by Koreth, recovered mightily! We have resisted the foul magicks of the beast Chessikhan! Yet our city is SURROUNDED by foes, foes which grow stronger by the day!

    To the west, the once routed rebel scourge regroup and recover, plotting foul deeds against us, biding their time! To the south, the Eastlanders who have for so long raided land trade routes in the Nars Pass, who have for so long lived in opposition to the very EXISTANCE of you, the People of Peltarch, have grown strong once again! They have begun reissuing their old tolls and their presence in our territories has never ceased, despite the efforts of the Defenders!

    And what of the terrible attacks directed into the heart of our Fair City? What of attacks of evil magic, the likes of which cost us the BELOVED Senators Shana Je'laan and Myrie Makare? What can be done to protect our citizens? I have a system of the most POWERFUL wards which will prevent foul mages from teleporting into our city EVER AGAIN! The Senate of the People said the price upon it was too high, without even HEARING the cost, but I am certain that you, the people who are threatened, will exercise your VOTE to correct this decision!

    General Kaster Lavindo and his Defenders are a force of Heroism in this city, a force which must be BETTER utilised! Defenders have always taken a REACTIONARY stance on issues, as the Senate has FAILED to effectively take military initiative in the past! Why have the rebels had the CHANCE to rebuild? We have been able to attack for some time! Why have the Eastlanders not been dealt the killing blow while they were WEAK? In trying times such as these, when enemies grow around our very WALLS, Peltarch's greatest defense is to remind its foolish foes of its MIGHT!

    We are not a static force in Narfell, we are not a force capable only of defending ourselves! We have enemies who attack us, I say we strike at THEIR hearts! I say we show them OUR fangs! The Senate of the People has failed to adopt any kind of offensive policies against our most BITTER enemies, and I say it is time this CHANGED!

    We will ALWAYS be under attack unless we stop merely defending! General Kaster Lavindo has PROVEN how effective our men can be in offensive action, during the Assault of the Traitors! But that does not mean our own defense must be neglected! General Lavindo is a prudent man, and will strike a balance which will be LETHAL to our foes! It is time his forces are no longer CURTAILED in their activities!

    Vote Senella, for a STRONGER, more SECURE Peltarch! A vote for Senella is a vote AGAINST your City's FOES!

    Eowiel raises her fist to the sky before stepping down from the dias to mingle with the listeners.