Tending the crops in Jiyyd

  • tala is seen wandering around the fields in Jiyyd praying to Meilikki over the what remains of the struggling crops. Upon being asked what occured that lead to such destruction, by newcomers to the town, she replies…

    Well I can only speak to the half that I saw and was part of. Nico, Kara, Rary spits Grag, Grog and a host of others I cannot recall were all part of fierce battle in the nars. I do believe it related to what happened in Norwick although how exactly I cannot say. I was in Jiyyd and started wandering towards the den when people started stopping me telling me to head back to jiyyd. As I neared the pass I saw others that were wounded and healing them as I passed they also told me to turn back. I needed to check on Torin, Celest, Sarah, Star and make sure the den was secure though. Trouble in the pass has often meant trouble for our home in years past.

    Merin asked why I was hurring into the battle and I told him where I was heading. He cast on me so that i might run unseen. Upon arriving in the den I made sure our bolt hole was still ok and told everyone that a fierce battle was raging and to be sure to hide if the battle should come to our gates. Arandor and I then made our way towards Jiyyd. At the crossroads with the hobgoblins we met up with the group going back to negotiate. So we went in our sneakiest fashion to aid hand if the eastlanders decided not to negotiate after all. Which of course they didn't.

    After a long battle we fought our way across the bridge and to their gated caves. Many of their finest warriors falling along the way and many of their poor poor beasts. Although Meilikki be thanked those poor beasts will no longer be harmed by those foul people. As we were readying to take their gate and wipe out what was left of their resistance the ground started shaking. Then the air started shaking. Then the shouts as everyone started running for cover seeing the large shadow in the nars. It was Rass.

    She tried to roast me like falcon on a spit. Luckily thanks to Mystra I was protected from her singing breath. We ran as fast as we could to jiyyd. She came to jiyyd with her breath lighting the grass, wall and anything else she could on fire. I doused myself in the stream and then ran through the flames into the small cave. The mouth of the cave being too small for her bulky body and the cave being deep enough to get away from her sinous head. Several of us sheltered safely until she was gone and then we went out to help put out the flames. The town was badly singed and burned in many places. I think most made it safely through her roasting and I can only assume she went back to feast on the recently deceases and probably still steaming corpses of the bandits. I think the smell of blood must have been what roused her.

    Be very careful when passing in the nars. The drow is still hunting us and now the bandits seem to be hunting anyone not wearing their colors.

    takes a deep breath and begins her prayers anew