Celdur Yrch

  • The Story Of Celdur Yrch

    On the icy Cape of Forochel to the north of The Spine Of The World there live a people called the Lossoth. They are a reclusive, peaceful folk, wary of all the warlike races. In the Common Tongue they are called the Snow-Elves of Forochel, and they were said to be descended from the ancient Forodwaith of the Northern Waste.

    They chose to live on the shore of this great ice bay so that they might be beyond the reach of the more warlike folk of the South.
    They are poor people of little worldly knowledge, but they are wise in the ways of ice and snow and able to withstand the harshness of the wastes. They hunt where other folk find no game; they build warm homes of snow where others perish of terrible cold; and they travel swiftly over ice with skates of bone and sledges where others flounder and make no passage at all. Indeed they are undisputed masters of this frozen land of their choice.

    Celdur Yrch is no different. He looks exactly like any other Lossoth, his skin textured and coloured to mimic ice and snow. his body temperature near the freezing point of water. His hair and eyes resemble perfect ice crystals. He speak an elder form of Elvish, because no other language could influence theirs.
    But his heart and mind are different. He is the son of Merilande, the King of the Lossoth and Freya, and elf from the Severed Hand, exiled and banned to the Northern Wastes. Freya was rescued by Merilande when they were out hunting and they found her lying on the snow, severly hypothermal and suffering from malnourishment. Merilande took her in and looked after her.

    When Celdur grew up, she told him her tale and he felt something inside of him, a force who drew him South. He left the Northern Wastes when he was 120 years old, in search of the Severed hand.
    He found it, completely in ruins and riddled with ghosts, dead bodies and suffering. Celdur felt that there was nothing for him there, so he returned to the Northern Wastes.
    But he returned only to find his kin slaughtered by an unknown army. The only thing he found was frozen tracks of Frost Giants and Yeti. He gathered his belongings and left.

    Years passed and he travelled South, through Khuldahar and the Nine Towns of Icewind Dale, through barren plains and thick forests, but no town or city, no man or woman could ease his sorrow.
    Finally he arrived in Narfell, where his story had just begun to unfold…

  • Review. XP Pending.

  • Player Name: Sioen
    Character Name: Celdur Yrch

    Playing Characters:
    Celdur Yrch, Lossoth
    Prag, Half-Orc

  • Now, a more than a week has passed since Celdur arrived in Norwick, but because of his shyness and his inability to speak Common, he hasn't made any friends yet, but he has devoted himself to the Study of Common.

    He has made progress, and now speaks a little bit of Common. But still he has that strange, Northern accent.

    Yesterday, he was ambushed by a group of goblins, who almost killed him. When he was down on the ground, they threw something in his eyes. He almost died of pain, but he was rescued by a mysterious Cleric, who healed him and said he had to go back to Norwick.

    But beacuse of the substance in his eyes, he could barely see where he was going. When he thought all was lost, he was guided to Norwick by a panther. Upon reaching Norwick, he tried to clean his eyes with some water, but the substance wouldn't wash out. He called out for a healer, but healing didn't help.

    Today, he woke up only to find that his vision had only deteriorated.

    Will he go blind?