Peter Stokabo (Login: clcraider72)

  • Peter Stokabo

    Height: 6'5"

    Weight: 275 pounds

    Build Large

    Race: Human

    Eye Color: Dark Brown

    Hair Color: Dark Brown

    Languages: Common

    Equipment: Peter wears a suit of brass full-plate, with a matching brass greatsword strapped across his back. An iron battleaxe rests at his hip, and a brass towershield can be seen poking out of his pack. He also keeps his cherrywood long bow within easy reach. Peter never wears a helmet, since it impedes his vision and limits his ability to hear.

    Deity: Oghma

    Group affiliations: The Guardians of Brigandia


    Strength: 15. Peter has worked at various forms of manual labor his entire life, in addition to his training with a greatsword. Consequently, he is a fairly strong man.

    Dexterity: 14. Peter is surprisingly agile, and will often dodge attacks that one wouldn't expect him to see coming.

    Constitution: 16. Peter has always enjoyed vigorous good health, and recovers quickly from wounds. It is also exceedingly difficult to knock him unconscious, which is something that has saved his life more than once.

    Intelligence: 12. Peter is slightly brighter than average, and has a good, if selective, memory. He remembers concepts and facts, but is horrible at remembering specific things, like dates and names.

    Wisdom: 10. Peter is fairly level-headed, but will occasionally display the common sense of a 2 year old.

    Charisma: 10. Peter is certainly not the best looking guy in the Nars… But he makes up for it by being affable and friendly in a nonchalant sort of way.

    Background: The son of a barbarian (father) and a cleric of Oghma (mother), Peter grew up in a small cabin along the Nars. Life wasn't always easy, but his parents were always kind and loving. Peter's father hunted and trapped game for a living, and his mother offered her services as a healer and loremaster to all who asked- whether they could pay or not. The two of them met when Peter's mother came to the Nars pass to study the ancient ruins that lie beneath it. Although vastly different in almost every way, Peter's parents fell in love at first sight, and were married shortly thereafter.

    Shortly after Peter's 16th birthday, he returned home to find both of his parents deathly ill. He raced to Norwick to find a healer, but by the time he returned both of them had succumbed, and, in a matter of only a few hours, had already started to decompose. Peter buried his parents that very night, and, unable to deal with the pain of his loss, set off the next morning for parts unknown. He spent the next dozen years wandering the length and breadth of Faerun, working as everything from a caravan guard to a farmhand. In his spare time, he tried to see as many fantastic sights as he could, and made a point of seeking out any sort of library that he came near.

    Peter admired both of his parents very much, and grew into a mixture of both of them. Physically, he takes after his father… But he always admired his mother for her deep knowledge and understanding of the world, and tries his best to take after her in that regard, even though he knows that he isn't quite as bright as she was.

    Personality traits: Wanderlust. Peter dosen't like to stay in one place for very long, although he has now taken to the inn in Jiyyd as a sort of "base of operations." He is up for a bit of mischief or adventure at almost any time.

    Spendthrift. Peter can squeeze a copper until it screams for mercy. If you ever see him in Peltarch, he'll probably be muttering under his breath about theives and bandits. This isn't a reference to the Eastlanders- He is referring to the local merchants, and the prices they charge.

    Kind-hearted. Both of Peter's parents did their best to help others, and he tries his best to honor their memory by doing the same.

    Realist. Peter is not given to high-minded notions of how the world should be. Rather, he tries to always see things as they are.

    Non-judgmental. Peter is a firm believer in right and wrong, and does whatever he can to see that good triumphs over evil. He is slow to judge others, however, unless he sees them commit an act of outright evil.

    Polite, until you get to know him. Peter is very polite towards people he doesn't know very well, as he does not like to offend people. Once he gets to know them, however, his brash and occasionally crude sense of humor begins to show itself.

    Fun-loving. Peter's chief goal is to enjoy life to the fullest. He sees every day as an opportunity to see new sights, learn new things, and meet new people.

    Fears: Although he tries his best not to show it, Peter is afraid of disease to this day, due to what happened to his parents.

    Peter is also very afraid of losing friends, since he has no family left to care for.

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