Giants at the Gate

  • A small group of Legionares and friends stood near the west gates, chatting as usual, relaxing and enjoying another fine night in Jiyyd. Suddenly, the earth began to shake and heavy thundering footsteps grew closer and closer. Captain Elrien determined the footsteps to be coming from the east and the all gathered there hustled to the East gates in time to meet the onslaught of Huge Terrifying Ugly Mean Frost Giants. The only cleric there, Lilin, prayed for thier safety but seemed unable to help them at all.They pounded at the defenders with thier huge hammers, injuring them badly.

    Nalio fell before they took the fight outside the gates, it was an exteremly brutal encounter. Rolan nearly died as did Wog and the elf Tulunka perished in the attack. When the final wave reached the city, most were not in a coniditon to fight. Lilin aimed true and struck a Giant in the back, he roared and he and his companions chased after her. She let them chase her around and around in circles as the defenders pelted them with arrows until they finally fell and the remaining Giants fell back to the mountains.