OOC: Peltarch Election

  • So we have a muscle bound lug, a little man, and a porn star running.

    This is starting to look familiar.

  • ^^^ if anyone would know it'd be that man

  • This is Peltarch. Not Candy Land!

    err… disapears

  • Council of Moradin


    True… but remember... if the NPCs win... we have to have an All-senate Lost City trip (or is that cleared now?) to make seats available 😉

    It is far easier for me to permakill an NPC to make a new election than a PC. Damned PCs keep coming back to life. 😉

  • Council of Moradin

    I don't take any offense to the questions and I'm posting just so everyone knoes:


    The NPCs running already have campaigns started and up and running? They get a head start? Why?

    How did they, IC, find out before others?

    Coz rich people with connections and govenment positions aren't always working for the best interests of the people they govern. I know that is completely the opposite of most people's impression of Peltarch politics. [/sarcasm]


    How is it fair, OOC, to give them better odds than PCs? This is what is being done, yes? Shouldn't we want more PCs in office anyways for a more dynamic environment and more (theoretically) active senate?

    read above. Additionally I have been telling PCs who have connections for months and even put rumors in the rumor thread. If people missed all that, then they haven't really been paying attention to Peltarch. If they didn't act on the information given, then they have shot themselves in the foot.

    Specifically the following was posted on October 26th:


    Senior Senator Gelon calls an emergency session. After all of the senators and their aids and pages have arrived, he makes the following announcement:

    We have struggled for many years of late and are finally getting back on our feet. In order to deal with all of the tasks the senate is called upon to deal with, we need to once again be whole. I am calling an emergency session to call for a vote on the election of three more senators to take place within the three months to rebuild the heart of the government. We will be a council of nine again.

    He returns to his seat



  • ::fully expects Peltarch to be a monarchy within the year::

  • True… but remember... if the NPCs win... we have to have an All-senate Lost City trip (or is that cleared now?) to make seats available 😉

  • Very true, Scutum, and it was precisely what I was waiting – no, expecting -- to hear.

    I just thought it oughtta be said because Sera's post came off a bit surly. I'm sure it wasn't his intention, but it'd be a shame for a would-be senate-racing PC to get discouraged and upset because of a miscommunication.

  • Further, the Senate needs to be able to function (call a quorum) even during those times that PC senators are mysteriously AWOL because their players are "on a break". Yes PC Senators can make the Senate more dynamic and interesting, but they can also make the Senate stagnant and incapable of action.

    I suspect the work involved to "catch up" will help separate those players that are willing to make the investment in time and effort that being an active member of the Senate will require.

  • There are reasons why some NPC's had head starts.

    There are reasons why some PC's with connections had head starts.

    There's reasons why some NPC's are just simply likely going to get votes for who they are and what they've done.

    None of what sera was saying was just a "just because" type thing, but to keep with the intrigue nature of peltarch and the fun of the city its not something that needs to be put out there as basic public knowledge because it wouldn't likely be public knowledge.

  • Actually Zanetar, some PCs with political connections were given headstarts as well, if I'm not mistaken. I can name at least one.

  • None of my PCs are running, anyways, so it's not especially important to me, but I'm curious if I have this right…

    The NPCs running already have campaigns started and up and running? They get a head start? Why?

    How did they, IC, find out before others?

    How is it fair, OOC, to give them better odds than PCs? This is what is being done, yes? Shouldn't we want more PCs in office anyways for a more dynamic environment and more (theoretically) active senate?

    I don't doubt every decision made is justified... I just think those PCs involved might care to know how.

    And I am a touch curious myself, but as I said -- it's not especially important to me.