Commerce district in ruins

  • Council of Moradin

    Many of Peltarch's laborers are busy cleaning up the area. Broken gates, giant areas of burnt cobblestones, blood being washed from the streets. The scene is rather overwhelming. Many of the shopkeeps are missing for a few days, some return, others send family or friends to run their business. The area around the west gate is completely in shambles for many days.

    Those who inquire are told of an attack by the lizardfolk whom were lead by a giant creature some refered to as Chessikhan. Some callled it a demon, others a lizard; all agree it was a powerful force who tore thru this section of town and slew many.

    Over twenty common citizens weren't fast enough to escape the onslaught. Cut down by this demon and her minions. The Defenders and Guard put up a valiant fight to keep them outside the walls but somewhere between ten and twenty of them were killed in the process.

    As for the end of the attack, many witnessed the fall of the giant lizard/demon. Some celebrated it's death, others didn't seem so sure it was truely dead. The sight of so many fallen Defenders being carried thru the commons to be delivered to the morgue seemed to have given both groups pause.

    In all a very costly day.

  • Council of Moradin

    New information:

    ((To those who were there but didn't see all these people around: Linah left them out for lag reasons and instead spawned only what monsters those Defenders/Guards didn't handle. As crazy as the fighting was, the IC scene was even more dramatic.))


    The entire contingent of Defenders were called into action; some 300 men. Additionally the full 200 members of the Guard were called for support on the walls.

    The fear rose quickly that the activity in the western plains was a distraction so an emergency call up was made and the entire city sealed. When it became clear that trying to hold the western tower was suicidal, the Defenders fell back to the walls.

    The sacrifice of the men at the western plains gate and tower was what kept this from being complete carnage. Many Defenders fell controling the gate as to not allow a flanking attack. Were it not for Lieutenant John Betran's now non-existant unit, the agents of Chessikhan would surely have won the day. They all fell holding the gate against overwhelming odds.

    The bodies of Chessikhan's warriors are piled high in the plains and burned. The smell and smoke are sickly thick, but there are so many and the Defenders are so spent little else seemed appropriate.

    The body of the demon and any articles it carried were completely consumed in the awesome display of lightning that followed it's fall. It is due to this many feared the demon had magiced itself away in the confusion.


    In all 17 Defenders were killed. 3 sergeants, 1 lieutenant, 12 privates and 1 brave staff member who felt obligated to try to help. Lieutenant John Betran and several others seem to feel they have served their time in this world and do not wish to return from their rest. Their loss will be deeply felt among their comrades, but they will be celebrated for their brave service and their great sacrifice.

    A few of the others were raised from the dead as time and coin permits. The rest will be honored in burial rites held by their families.

    The final count of civilian casualties in much less than initially feared. 13 dead and several severly wounded. Most all were tended to by priests from the Defender ranks, though the dead will likely remain so. The General regrets civilian casualties and wishes to know what steps could be taken in the future to prevent breaches of the wall system.

    Several Defenders will point out the civilians were told of the coming fight, but ignored the warnings.

    Everyone agrees that were it not for the presence of an unusual amount of visiting adventurers, the damage and casualty numbers would likely have been much worse.

  • Talgrath seems to be his usual stony self, despite the apparent fact that Chessakhan is dead. He is seen attending all the fallen Defenders' funerals, and he is often seen surveying or helping with the clean-up.

  • I.. was there.. I did not survive.

  • DM

    Barrim is seen to be mightily pleased by the news, and asks all involved to come and make themselves known to him personally.

    He asks the defenders for a report, and is seen to be puffing many cigars with his friend Henry in celebration.

    • Foilir spits out his ale as he hears the name of the leader of the attack. His eyes narrow and he heads towards his shop by the west gate only to find it barred from the inside by Nor.

    After a few minutes of banging on the door and being let inside, hushed but forceful instructions are passed to the shopkeep.

    Foilir clearly remembers running into this walking menace twice in the same day…*

  • Merum Faldenfare, Senator Roland, and a mage set off in search of a mans belongings. They are encountered by a Kobold Adept and Elite. The two Kobold's insist that they will bring chaos on the city of Peltarch, but are passed off as rambling foolish lies. They are slain on the spot.

  • _Somewhere in the darkness of the city, in a place where one could suffocate from the intense heat, both sexual and imposing, a place as hot as a furnace, both from the hellish flames and the intesity of lives filled with unmarred purpose, a celebration takes place.

    Dark songs are sung. A dance is held, and hungers of all kinds are satisfied.

    Although those that celebrate can claim no participation in the final victory, a foe was felled none the less.

    The Nine are pleased._

  • Seemingly unconcerned by the carnage around her, the redhead, known as Zed, Cee or Red, can be seen telling the tale of the great battle, of how many of huge, scary demon lizards climbed over the walls or just walked right through them as if they weren't there, how lightning struck down, making them grow even larger. And then they all grew into one huge, large as a wizard's tower demon and it made your skin crawl just to look at it and it tore down buildings by swinging his staff and ripped souls out of people with his small finger and eventually it was brought down by arrows and bolts and magic and swords! And it was dead, like really dead!

  • Belade congratulates Dante with delivering the killing blow, then goes looking for wounded people to whom she can administer Sune's love, glancing west often, hand on the hilt of her sword

    //healing, not having sex with them