To all friends of Chia, the friendly monk lass...

  • Peter walks sadly around Jiyyd, posting copies of a note in a few highly-visible places. The notes are well-written, but the penmanship is truly awful… There are also a few small, round spots on each note, where it looks like a drop of clear liquid fell and dried

    To all friends of Chia, the friendly monk lass…

    I have tried to find as many of you as I could, to convey this sad news in person, but I couldn't find everyone, and that is why I am posting this note. It is my sad duty to inform you all that Chia has died. For those who have met this kind, friendly soul but didn't learn her name... a brief physical description of Chia is written here

    She was killed by a gigantic orc whilst she and I were out exploring the area. I was gravely wounded, and might have died as well had I not encountered another friend, the cleric Solerri, (whom some of you also know) while I was dragging myself across the plains, fleeing from the monstrosity. Solerri healed me, and together we went back and slew the vile beast that had killed Chia... But we were too late, as she had already passed on.

    Solerri and I buried her in a small ceremony in the Norwick graveyard. For any who wish to pay their respects, she is buried in the Western-most row of graves, near the west doors. Look for the freshly turned earth. If any wish it, just find me and I'll guide you there. It is the least I can do...

    I apologize to all of her friends and loved ones for not being able to save her. It weighs heavily on my heart and mind, and haunts me in my sleep... She was a one-of-a-kind person, and the world is a bit darker without her. May Oghma help her find her place in the afterlife...



    //OOC If there's a fee for posting bills in Jiyyd, let me know and I'll toss the gold next time I'm in game…

  • Enzo is seen looking at the notice in Jiyyd's square, shaking his head sadly. He mentions to a passerby,

    This was a fine young lady… I am quite saddened to hear of her passing.

    Enzo is later seen inquiring whether Chia had any family in the area to offer his condolences and assistance.