A heavily pissed half-orc

  • A huge half-orc opens the gates quickly…he shows the guards the rag and almost slams the next gate open....the huge armored figure walks pretty quick into the center of the town...his dreadful helmet is still on his head and a dagger(dagger the eo gave him) can be seen in Ralaks right hand...He glances around and roars as loud as he can....
    "LOTUS"...he walks around and looks for her...then he burst into the inn and bashes her door open.....she is not there....he roars once more before he leaves the town...................

  • Tazlin looks up from studying his tome nearby. Upon seeing the half-orc, he begins mumbling to himself about the noise

  • ::corde mutters slightly to himself::

    I better go find the little slut elf and the damned half-orc. Hopefully he doesn't make yet another mistake…the first one is still about to bite him in his ass

    ::shaking his head muttering about damned politics"

  • Cray hears the comotion at the gate and the heavy footsteps comming. He quickly extinguish's his cigar. While he makes for a pile of nearby crates. Watches with curiousity, as he peeks out from safety. Once Ralak is gone he lites his cigar again, with a crisp snap of his fingers, as quickly as he took to hiding. "Hmm how strange"

    Cray Vincint