The man in black Armor and Snow white hair

  • Word spreads that a man in Black armor and dark circles of ash under his eyes with white hair (that of snow) started a fight with a Dwarf new to these lands, and Eleine. As the argument grew a fight started the man in Black armor easily felling the Dwarf in one blow turned to attack Eleine, already in the middle of casting spells to strengthen herself. The man in Black armor cried out to Talos and lightning arched over the sky as he swung his large sword at the tiny hin.

    The Headmistress of the Keep Chaevre' was present and stood walking casually over and ended the conflict by launching fireball after fireball at the fighters enveloping all in her scorching fury. Poor Blackberry Tealeaf was enveloped as an innocent bystandard. Chaevre chuckled at Eleine's shinged hair as the Man in Black obviously winded and wounded stood, collected his things and grumpelly stormed off calling behind him that should they meet again he would not be so kind in his attacks. Eleine and the Dwarf huffed at Chaevre for interfearing as well as endangering them both thier lives. The Dwarf however was easily placated after being gifted some fine Dwarven Ale by Cike. Chaevre shrugged off and explained the events and arguments to Sasha as he came by for his watch.

    The Man in Black armor can be seen wandering about gumbling and sometimes speaking to himself. Some rumors float that he has been seen with Arandor one of the Elders of the Gali.

  • Legion

    hears the rumors and shakes his head " Shuld have kilt him when I had the chance…. " goes to the town sign and adds a name to the list of wanted murderers

  • Well I suppose that would be Arthus the Wicked… :oops:
    Or perhaps not? sounds like an exact description chuckles

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Fad can be seen trailing this most stereotypical (given her experiences with him) of baddies….

    Things she claims she's looking for is overly-obvious evil laughter, a brooding demeanor, and possibly a skull helm since that fits the whole evil milieu