Velahrae Hunting Party

  • Word is the Velahrae will set out west from Jiyyd, searching for the presence of Drow. Rumor has it the Velahrae are making this investigation one of their top priorities for the present.

    // OOC Saturday, November 5th at 12pm EST. Any and all elves who aren't obviously evil are welcome. Any DMs who aren't feeling too terribly bloodthirsty also welcome! 😄

  • Apparantly Tanin has left word with the warband that he will be gone for a few days. He has appointed Celestine Moondown in charge of the next raid, which will go against the kobolds instead of the drow now.

    // Work has unfortunately reared its head and I now cannot make my own event 😛 If people still show and want to go, Celestine is in charge (assuming of course that Aelharaen isn't there). Sorry about the change of plans folks. Hope you have fun!

  • //I miiiight be able to show. Depends on how late I have to work but you know I'll be there if I can be.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    //Pending availability….Cel will be there

  • //blows the dust off Errhanous Roger Wilco