Slave Trade

  • His Honor, the nobly-ordained Imperceptor, the Treasurer Primero of the City-State Oscura Zanetar Den 'Kath speaks to the public.

    "Lords and Ladies of this city, our fair fortress beneath the soils, it is with great pleasure that I dispense the news I bear.

    "After some discussion by those amongst the Tribunal, a proposition I set into action soon after my election has been written into law.

    "From this day henceforth, it is legal not only to possess your slave hands to serve you within Oscura, but to sell them in the safety and leisure of our walls.

    "All that is required to enter this engaging market found legal nowhere closer than Thay or the Moonsea is the appropriate license, which may be easily and quickly obtained from myself.

    "In service to Tyrant, the Tribunal, and the Treasury,
    Zanetar Den 'Kath"

  • as the ranking spellweaver sorceress passes, a pair of grey-robed novice monks step quickly aside - grimacing at the reeking smell of rotting flesh and taking care to avoid contact that would likely lead to virulent disease

  • "Hm."

    The Imperceptor taps his chin in thought.

  • Chaevre cant help but chuckle when she sees people paying money for other people to do their dirty work, flanked by her undead, unsleeping, faithfully willing minion she departs to the undercity to continue her work

  • Most honorable treasurer,

    I applaude your lofty vision of commercial rights. It is too often in the towns and cities of the land that local government infringes too heavily on business enterprises. As an emissary of Surthay, I would much like to address this lucrative market in the land of Narfell. Therefore, I would very much honor a meeting with you to obtain the necessary permits and discuss how we might both benefit from mutual trade of these commodities between the lands of Narfell and Surthay.

    Your respectful diplomat,

    Enzo Ifferial